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== Nike Air Max Suomi  se oli positiivinen. 'Lol' ==
{{about||other uses and non-rotary gyroscopes}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=July 2013}}

Mies juurtuvat noin hänen lääkekaappi löytyy yksi hänen ex tyttöystävä vanhan raskaustesti. Koska hän oli kyllästynyt tai tuntui pissaa jotain, hän otti yhden testin, ja paljon hänen yllätys, se oli positiivinen. 'Lol', hän ajatteli, luultavasti. Hän kertoi hänen ystävänsä noin koettelemus, joka sitten kääntyi humoristinen tarina raivoon koominen ja lähetetty sen punertava.<br><br>Yksi huolimaton liikkua voi johtaa tapauksessa vastaan ​​teidän puolesta. Tulsa avioero asianajaja voi käsitellä tällaisia ​​vaikeita tapauksia ja varmasti saa johtaa asiakkaan?: N hyväksi. Heillä suurta ammattitaitoa esitellä tapauksessa tehokkaimmin edessä tuomariston. He tietävät erittäin hyvin tietoa oikeusviranomaisten ja tämä hyödyttää sinua tilanteissa, jotka voi törmätä prosessin aikana avioeron. avioeroissa, ja muissa tapauksissa, joissa perheet ovat mukana ja kaikki jäsenet ovat menossa vaikuttaa tulokseen, asiakkaan kasvot äärimmäistä henkistä ja [ Nike Air Max Suomi] emotionaalista painetta. <br><br>'Evgeni Malkin ei mennä matkan kanssamme [Ottawa], joten hän ei pelaa [maanantai]', Bylsma sanoi. 'Still päivittäin.' Bylsma sanoi Malkin luisteli varhain sunnuntaina muutamia joukkueen muita loukkaantuneita pelaajia ja sitten jäi jäällä koko joukkue käytäntö. Mukaan joukkueen Twitter-tilille, harjoituksissa hän keskitetty mukaisesti Dustin Jeffrey ja Steve MacIntyre, molemmat olivat terveitä naarmuja Pingviinien peli lauantaina klo Boston Bruins.Malkin kaipaamaan hänen neljäs suoraan pelin Monday.The Penguins oli myös välittämään James Neal jäällä osan käytännön sunnuntaina. <br><br>Ilmeisesti he eivät voi lentää pelin aikana, mutta ne eivät voi lentää jopa tunnin ennen pelin myöskään. Joten peli alkaa klo 01:25, joten kone on taivaalla 12:05 asti 12:20. Hyvä asia tällä kertaa on se, että pelaajat kentällä tällä hetkellä lämpenemässä, toisin kuin muista ehdotetuista aikaan 1:00, jossa pelaajat eivät ole nähneet sitä. Toinen myönteinen seikka on, että vain noin 80%, jos ei enemmän ihmisiä, jotka tulevat peli on siellä tällä kertaa katsomassa 'GO HAWKS 12' [ Abercrombie & Fitch Stockholm] pyörre ympärillä stadionin täyteen 15 minutesnot [ Longchamp Shop Suomi] 10 minuuttia, mutta täyttä 15 minuuttia .<br><br>NHL 2014. Kaikki NHL pelipaidat räätälöidä NHL pelaajien nimet ja numerot ovat virallisesti lisensoitu NHL ja NHLPA. Zamboni-sana ja konfigurointi Zamboni jään pinnoitus kone ovat [ Michael Kors Laukut Outlet] rekisteröityjä tavaramerkkejä Frank J. Zamboni Co, Inc. Frank J. Zamboni Co, Inc. 2014.. <br><br>Hän voitti 390 peliä, neljä jako osastoihin ja takaisin takaisin Stanley Cupin nimekkeet Philadelphia Flyers vuosina 1974 ja 1975. Shero myös auttoi Flyers takaisin Cupin finaalissa vuonna 1976 ja New York Rangers Final hänen ensimmäinen kausi kanssa klubi 1978 79.Shero oli uudistaja valmentajana. Hän on hyvitetään on ensimmäinen NHL valmentaja opiskella ja käyttää videon osana hänen valmennuksessa, jolloin aamulla luistella liigan ja ensimmäinen valmentaja kannustaa voimaharjoittelua kauden aikana.
[[Image:3D Gyroscope.png|thumb|250px|right|A gyroscope]]

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A '''gyroscope''' is a device for measuring or maintaining [[orientation (rigid body)|orientation]], based on the principles of [[angular momentum]].<ref>"[ Gyroscope]" by Sándor Kabai, [[Wolfram Demonstrations Project]].</ref>  Mechanically, a gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. Although this orientation does not remain fixed, it changes in response to an external [[torque]] much less and in a different direction than it would with the large angular momentum associated with the disc's high rate of [[Rotation|spin]] and [[moment of inertia]]{{wtf?|date=February 2014}}. The device's orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform's motion, because mounting the device in a [[gimbal]] minimizes external torque.

Myyjä agentti ei ollut avoimien ovien sunnuntaina. Hän oli osoittaa. Mielestäni hän ostoksia meidän tarjous. Se on meidän hartaasti toivoa, että yksi asia yleisö tuli pois on sovittu, että ihmiskaupan asia on hyvin todellinen ja että se ei ole yksinkertainen. Kuten komissio Olya Stawnychy (WFUWO), kyse ei ole prostituutiosta vaan orjuuttamisesta. Se vaikutukset ovat kauaskantoisia kuin useimmat meistä voi kuvitella. <br><br>Kiitosta elokuva: Dallas Ostajat Club on lyhyt luettelo meikki ja hiustenmuotoilutuotteet luokka Oscar. Samalla Toronto Film Critics Association äskettäin antoi Leto ja Garner miessivuosa nyökkää niiden osien, ja molemmat Leto ja McConaughey ovat jopa Golden Globe-ja Screen Actors Guild Awards. Koko valettu on ehdolla myös SAG pokaalin. <br><br>Jack Jr., professori radiologian Mayo Medical School, sanoo lääkärit jo ovat kehittäneet tehokkaita menetelmiä testaus Alzheimerin taudin, usein urhoollista merkkejä sen patologian vuosikymmen tai kaksi ennen potilaalle kehittyy kliinisiä oireita dementia. Kehittyneiden aivojen kuvantaminen ja selkärangan hanat että testi läsnäolo beeta amyloidi aivo-selkäydinnesteessä, on mahdollista löytää ja tunnistaa lopullista näyttöä taudin, Jack sanoo. 'Ihmiset ovat ajatelleet Alzheimerin taudin ehto määritellään havaittavissa, kliinisiä oireita', Jack sanoi. <br><br>Loonie myös teki historiaa vuonna 2005, kun Terry Fox sankarillinen yksi jalkainen juoksija, jonka 1980 Marathon of [ Michael Kors Iphone Kuori] Hope nosti miljoonia dollareita syöpätutkimukseen tuli ensimmäinen kanadalainen syntynyt yksittäisiä kuvattu Kanadan liikkeeseen kolikon. 2005 loonie [ä Oakley Lasit Netistä] juhli 25 vuotta Fox eepos, maraton päivä varainkeruun ympäri Kanadaa, joka päättyi Pohjois-Ontariossa kanssa toistumisen hänen syövän. Sairaus väitti hänen elämänsä vuonna 1981.. <br><br>Emotionaalinen crunch kirjan kolme, Tyttö joka kohosi yli [ Ugg Kauppa Helsinki] Satumaa ja Leikkaa Moon kahtia, on syyskuussa huoli, että hänen Persephone viisumi, joka sallii hänen palata joka kevät Satumaa, pian on mitätön. Valente mielikuvitus hupaisa locales tässä sarjassa saavuttaa huippunsa tämän kirjan, kun seuraamme syyskuuta valtatie tähdet, kuu kaupunki, joka kasvaa pitkin pyörteisiin sisäosat jättiläinen kuori, ja salama viidakko, joka rätisee sähköä. Mutta Fairyland kirjat eivät ole noin Fairyland itse sen ihana paikat ovat vain värikkäitä taustoja syyskuussa muodonmuutos Melko Heartless 12 vuotta vanha monimutkaiseen 14 vuotta vanha. <br><br>Jos joku sylkee lähellä minua voisin puhaltaa sulake tässä vaiheessa. Joten vain tietää, että kun olet paskiaiset ulos rakennuksen lumiukkoja, jolloin [ Canada Goose Edullisesti] lumi enkelit, ja tekee kaiken, muut luminen onnellinen hevonpaskaa, aion olla täällä, jossain NY, kiroten jokainen teistä minun mukava lämmitetty huone. Jos on lumipalloja noin minulle tänä talvena, sen paremmin mukana 2 poikasia.
Gyroscopes based on other operating principles also exist, such as the electronic, microchip-packaged [[MEMS gyroscope]] devices found in consumer electronic devices, solid-state [[ring laser gyroscope|ring lasers]], [[fibre optic gyroscope]]s, and the extremely sensitive [[quantum gyroscope]].

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Applications of gyroscopes include [[inertial navigation system]]s where magnetic compasses would not work (as in the [[Hubble telescope]]) or would not be precise enough (as in [[ICBM]]s), or for the stabilization of flying vehicles like radio-controlled helicopters or [[unmanned aerial vehicle]]s. Due to their precision, gyroscopes are also used in [[gyrotheodolite]]s to maintain direction in tunnel mining.<ref>[ Discover magazine] 20 things you didn't know about tunnels (Number 8).</ref>

Olin bändi juuri ulos Highschool että kirjattu studioympäristöön Seattlessa. Meidän laulaja oli kamala, mutta olimme kieltämiseen. Kun tuli aika seurata hänen laulu, se [ Canada Goose Expedition Parka] oli yksi kaikkein noloa kokemuksia minulle. Ei vain voi hän ei laula avain, hän ei tehnyt edes laulaa sama kukin ottaa. Insinööri kääntyi ympäri, heitti kätensä [ Louis Vuitton Speedy 30] ylös ja sanoi: 'Jos hän olisi ainakin laulaa sitä samaa, voisin leikata ja liimata, mutta hän voitti jopa antaa minulle.' Ääniteknikko tällä studio muistutti myös, että Lars Ulrich ei voinut pelata klikkaa kappaleen Black Album, joten nauhoittamisen sijasta hänelle pelaa osat, he nauhoittivat häntä lyömällä jokaisen rummun ja symbaali erikseen ja leikata ja liimata hänen koko radan . Minulla ei ole keino varmistaa tämän, mutta se ei ole vaikea uskoa, ja useimmat ihmiset olisivat hämmästynyt, miten yhteisiä asioita, kuten tämä on.<br><br>Yksi joukossa kaksi puhelut tehtiin reportteri Doordarshan (DD) etsiä kuvamateriaalia mitä oli ammuttu tekemän aluksen kirjeenvaihtaja. 'Minulle kerrottiin soittajan, joka kuulosti raskaasti painollinen kiinalainen henkilö käyttöön itseään reportteri CCTV, että kapteeni Intian laivaston oli antanut hänelle numeron suuntaan etsimään kuvamateriaalia DD' kirjeenvaihtaja mainittu. Valitettavasti soittaja, sama merivoimien kapteeni oli mukana kirjeenvaihtaja. 'Paikan päällä Tarkistin kapteeni, joka kielsi sen. Sinänsä ei ollut kysymys tarjoamalla materiaalia kenellekään ellei oma esimiehensä ilmoittaa minulle,' kirjeenvaihtaja mainittu.<br><br>Kun olet mennyt kaikki vaivaa järjestää parhaiten pitopalvelut, paras paperitavarat kutsuihisi ja hienoimpia mittatilaustyönä morsiamen kylpytakit itsellesi ja bridesmaids, se doesnt järkeä kysyä ystävä (vaikkakin erittäin mukava kamera ) ottaa teidän häät valokuvia. Saatat hyvinkin säästää hieman rahaa, mutta ammatillinen häät valokuvaaja takaa [ät Michael Jordan Kengät] sinulle loistavia kuvia joka pitää muistosi tuoretta for a lifetime.<br><br>Miksi Wordpress on hyvä valinta WebsiteWhen luot [ Mbt Saappaat] sivuston, on tärkeää, että valitset todella hyvää sisältöä järjestelmä auttaa varmuuskopioida hyvä muotoilu. Tämä auttaa sinua hallita sivustosi paremmin ja auttaa sitä saavuttamaan täyden potentiaalinsa. WordPress on yksi parhaista sisällön hallintajärjestelmät siellä ja on erinomainen valinta kenelle tahansa verkkosivuilla. Tämä on valtava määrä, ja it.Lots of themesAnother Hienoa WordPress on, että on olemassa paljon erilaisia ​​teemoja, joita voit käyttää. Tämä tarkoittaa, että voit muuttaa ulkonäköä verkkosivuilla todella yksinkertaisesti: vaikka olet täydellinen aloittelija, kun se tulee sivustot, voit olla mahdollisuus valita teeman sopivaksi tarpeeseen ja tehdä sivuston erotu pakkaus. Niin monia teemoja valita, on jotain sopii jokaisen tyyliin sivusto, ammattilainen hauskaa ja funky.Easy sen updatelot ihmisiä myös käyttää WordPress niiden verkkosivuilla, koska content management system tekee todella helppo päivittää. Tähän voi liittyä jotain suhteellisen yksinkertaista, kuten lisätä omia kuvia sivuston, jotta.
== Description and diagram ==
[[Image:Gyroscope wheel-text.png|thumb|200px|right|Diagram of a gyro wheel. Reaction arrows about the output axis (blue) correspond to forces applied about the input axis (green), and vice versa.]]
Within mechanical systems or devices, a conventional ''gyroscope'' is a mechanism comprising a [[wikt:rotor|rotor]] journaled to spin about one [[Coordinate axis|axis]], the [[Journal (mechanics)|journals]] of the rotor being mounted in an inner [[gimbal]] or ring; the inner gimbal is journaled for oscillation in an outer gimbal for a total of two gimbals.
The '''outer gimbal''' or ring, which is the gyroscope frame, is mounted so as to pivot about an axis in its own plane determined by the support. This outer gimbal possesses one degree of rotational freedom and its axis possesses none. The next '''inner gimbal''' is mounted in the gyroscope frame (outer gimbal) so as to pivot about an axis in its own plane that is always perpendicular to the pivotal axis of the gyroscope frame (outer gimbal). This inner gimbal has two degrees of rotational freedom.
The axle of the spinning wheel defines the spin axis. The rotor is journaled to spin about an axis, which is always perpendicular to the axis of the inner gimbal. So the rotor possesses three degrees of rotational freedom and its axis possesses two.
The wheel responds to a force applied about the input axis by a reaction force about the output axis.
The behaviour of a gyroscope can be most easily appreciated by consideration of the front wheel of a bicycle. If the wheel is leaned away from the vertical so that the top of the wheel moves to the left, the forward rim of the wheel also turns to the left. In other words, rotation on one axis of the turning wheel produces rotation of the third axis.
A '''gyroscope flywheel''' will roll or resist about the output axis depending upon whether the output gimbals are of a free- or fixed- configuration.  Examples of some free-output-gimbal devices would be the attitude reference gyroscopes used to sense or measure the [[Flight dynamics|pitch]], [[Flight dynamics|roll]] and [[Flight dynamics|yaw]] attitude angles in a spacecraft or aircraft.
[[Image:Gyroscope wheel animation.gif|thumb|200px|right|Animation of a gyro wheel in action]]
The centre of gravity of the rotor can be in a fixed position. The rotor simultaneously spins about one axis and is capable of oscillating about the two other axes, and, thus, except for its inherent resistance due to rotor spin, it is free to turn in any direction about the fixed point.  Some gyroscopes have mechanical equivalents substituted for one or more of the elements. For example, the spinning rotor may be suspended in a fluid, instead of being pivotally mounted in gimbals.  A [[control moment gyroscope]] (CMG) is an example of a fixed-output-gimbal device that is used on spacecraft to hold or maintain a desired attitude angle or pointing direction using the gyroscopic resistance force.
In some special cases, the outer gimbal (or its equivalent) may be omitted so that the rotor has only two degrees of freedom. In other cases, the centre of gravity of the rotor may be offset from the axis of oscillation, and, thus, the centre of gravity of the rotor and the centre of suspension of the rotor may not coincide.
== History ==
[[Image:Foucault's gyroscope.jpg|thumb|right|Gyroscope invented by Léon Foucault in 1852. Replica built by Dumoulin-Froment for the Exposition universelle in 1867. National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts museum, Paris.]]
Essentially, a gyroscope is a [[top]], a self-balancing spinning toy, put to instrumental use. Tops were invented in many different civilizations, including classical Greece, Rome, Indus and China, and the [[Māori people|Māori]] culture a thousand years later.<ref>[ Brief History of Gyroscopes]</ref> Most of these, though using the same conservation of angular momentum as a gyro, were not utilized as instruments.
The first known use of such a top as an instrument came in 1743, when [[John Serson]] invented the "Whirling speculum" (or Serson's Speculum), a spinning top that was used as a level, to locate the horizon in foggy or misty conditions.
The instrument used more like an actual gyroscope was made by German [[Johann Bohnenberger]], who first wrote about it in 1817. At first he called it the "Machine".<ref>Johann G. F. Bohnenberger  (1817) "Beschreibung einer Maschine zur Erläuterung der Gesetze der Umdrehung der Erde um ihre Axe, und der Veränderung der Lage der letzteren" (Description of a machine for the explanation of the laws of rotation of the Earth around its axis, and of the change of the orientation of the latter), [  Tübinger Blätter für Naturwissenschaften und Arzneikunde], vol. 3, pages 72&ndash;83.</ref><ref>The French mathematician Poisson mentions Bohnenberger's machine as early as 1813: Simeon-Denis Poisson (1813) "Mémoire sur un cas particulier du mouvement de rotation des corps pesans" [Memoir on a special case of rotational movement of massive bodies], ''Journal de l'École Polytechnique'', vol. 9, pages 247&ndash;262.  Available on-line at: .</ref>  Bohnenberger's machine was based on a rotating massive sphere.<ref>A photograph of Bohnenberger's instrument is available on-line here:  [ ] ION Museum: The Machine of Bohnenberger .</ref> In 1832, American Walter R. Johnson developed a similar device that was based on a rotating disc.<ref>Walter R. Johnson (January 1832). [ "Description of an apparatus called the rotascope for exhibiting several phenomena and illustrating certain laws of rotary motion"], ''The American Journal of Science and Art'', 1st series, vol. 21, no. 2, pages 265&ndash;280.</ref><ref>Drawings of Walter R. Johnson's gyroscope ("rotascope") were used to illustrate phenomena in the following lecture: E.S. Snell (1856) [ "On planetary disturbances,"] Board of Regents, ''Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution....'' (Washington, D.C.: Cornelius Wendell, 1856), pages 175&ndash;190.</ref> The French mathematician [[Pierre-Simon Laplace]], working at the [[École Polytechnique]] in Paris, recommended the machine for use as a teaching aid, and thus it came to the attention of [[Léon Foucault]].<ref>[ Wagner JF, "The Machine of Bohnenberger", The Institute of Navigation]</ref> In 1852, Foucault used it in an experiment involving the rotation of the Earth.<ref>L. Foucault (1852) "Sur les phénomènes d’orientation des corps tournants entraînés par un axe fixe à la surface de la terre — Nouveaux signes sensibles du mouvement diurne" (On the phenomena of the orientation of rotating bodies carried along by an axis fixed to the surface of the earth — New perceptible signs of the daily movement), ''Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris)'', vol. 35, pages 424&ndash;427.  Available on-line (in French): .</ref><ref>Circa 1852, Friedrich Fessel, a German mechanic and former secondary school teacher, independently developed a gyroscope.  See:  '''(1)''' Julius Plücker (September 1853) "Über die Fessel'sche rotationsmachine", ''Annalen der Physik'', vol. 166, no. 9, pages 174&ndash;177; '''(2)''' Julius Plücker (October 1853) "Noch ein wort über die Fessel'sche rotationsmachine", ''Annalen der Physik'', vol. 166, no. 10, pages 348&ndash;351; '''(3)''' Charles Wheatstone (1864) [ "On Fessel's gyroscope"], ''Proceedings of the Royal Society of London'', vol. 7, pages 43&ndash;48.</ref> It was Foucault who gave the device its modern name, in an experiment to see (Greek ''skopeein'', to see) the Earth's rotation (Greek ''gyros'', circle or rotation),<ref>L. Foucault (1852) ''Comptes rendus...'', vol. 35, page 427.</ref> which was visible in the 8 to 10 minutes before friction slowed the spinning rotor.
In the 1860s, the advent of electric motors made it possible for a gyroscope to spin indefinitely; this led to the first prototype [[heading indicator]]s, and a rather more complicated device, the [[gyrocompass]]. The first functional gyrocompass was patented in 1904 by German inventor [[Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe]].<ref>Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe and Friedrich von Shirach, [ "Kreiselapparat"] (Gyroscope) Deutsches Reichspatent no. 182855 (filed:  27 March 1904 ; issued:  2 April 1907).</ref> The American [[Elmer Sperry]] followed with his own design later that year, and other nations soon realized the military importance of the invention&mdash;in an age in which naval prowess was the most significant measure of military power&mdash;and created their own gyroscope industries.  The [[Sperry Gyroscope Company]] quickly expanded to provide aircraft and naval stabilizers as well, and other gyroscope developers followed suit.<ref>MacKenzie, Donald.  ''Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance''.  Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990.  pp. 31–40.  ISBN 0-262-13258-3</ref>
In 1917, the Chandler Company of [[Indianapolis]], created the "Chandler gyroscope", a toy gyroscope with a pull string and pedestal. Chandler continued to produce the toy until the company was purchased by TEDCO inc. in 1982. The chandler toy is still produced by TEDCO today.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=TEDCO Toys - Cool company history, great science kits|last=Anon|work=TEDCO Toys company website|publisher=O'Reilly Media Inc|accessdate=23 December 2010}}</ref>
In the first several decades of the 20th century, other inventors attempted (unsuccessfully) to use gyroscopes as the basis for early [[black box (systems)|black box]] navigational systems by creating a stable platform from which accurate acceleration measurements could be performed (in order to bypass the need for star sightings to calculate position).  Similar principles were later employed in the development of [[inertial guidance system]]s for [[ballistic missile]]s.<ref>MacKenzie, pp. 40–42.</ref>
During World War II, the gyroscope became the prime component for aircraft and anti-aircraft gun sights.<ref>[ The Little Top That Aims a Gun] by Gold Sanders, [[Popular Science]] July 1945</ref> After the war, the race to miniaturize gyroscopes for guided missiles and weapons navigation systems resulted in the development and manufacturing of so-called '''midget gyroscopes''' that weighed less than {{convert|3|oz|g}} and had a diameter of approximately {{convert|1|in|cm}}.  Some of these miniaturize gyroscopes could reach a speed of 24,000 revolutions per minute in less than 10 seconds.<ref>[ "Midget Gyros to Guided Missiles"] March 1954, p. 148, bottom page.</ref>
3-axis MEMS-based gyroscopes are also being used in portable electronic devices such as Apple's current generation of iPad, iPhone and [[iPod touch]].<ref>[ iPhone 4 Gyroscope Teardown], [[iFixit]]</ref> This adds to the 3-axis acceleration sensing ability available on previous generations of devices. Together these sensors provide 6 component motion sensing; acceleration for X,Y, and Z movement, and gyroscopes for measuring the extent and rate of rotation in space (roll, pitch and yaw).
[[Image:Gyroscope operation.gif|thumb|right|A gyroscope in operation with freedom in all three axes. The rotor will maintain its spin axis direction regardless of the orientation of the outer frame.]]
A free gyroscope maintains its axis. Gyroscopes can be used to construct [[gyrocompass]]es, which complement or replace magnetic compasses (in ships, aircraft and spacecraft, vehicles in general), to assist in stability ([[Hubble Space Telescope]], bicycles, motorcycles, and ships) or be used as part of an inertial guidance system. Gyroscopic effects are used in tops, boomerangs, yo-yos, and [[Powerball (toy)|Powerball]]s. Many other rotating devices, such as [[flywheel]]s, behave in the manner of a gyroscope, although the gyroscopic effect is not being used.
When the gyroscope is not free (under the influence of torques), it exhibits a number of behaviors including [[precession]] and [[nutation]].
The fundamental equation describing the behavior of the gyroscope is:
:<math>\boldsymbol\tau={{d \mathbf{L}}\over {dt}}={{d(I\boldsymbol\omega)} \over {dt}}=I\boldsymbol\alpha</math>
where the [[pseudovector]]s '''τ''' and '''L''' are, respectively, the [[torque]] on the gyroscope and its [[angular momentum]], the scalar  ''I'' is its [[moment of inertia]], the vector '''ω''' is its angular velocity, and the vector '''α''' is its angular acceleration.
It follows from this that a torque '''τ''' applied perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and therefore perpendicular to  '''L''',  results in a rotation about an axis perpendicular to both '''τ''' and '''L'''.  This motion is called ''[[precession]]''. The angular velocity of precession '''Ω'''<sub>P</sub> is given by the [[cross product]]:
:<math>\boldsymbol\tau=\boldsymbol\Omega_{\mathrm{P}} \times \mathbf{L}.</math>
[[Image:Gyroscope precession.gif|thumb|Precession on a gyroscope]]
Precession can be demonstrated by placing a spinning gyroscope with its axis horizontal and supported loosely (frictionless toward precession) at one end.  Instead of falling, as might be expected, the gyroscope appears to defy gravity by remaining with its axis horizontal, when the other end of the axis is left unsupported and the free end of the axis slowly describes a circle in a horizontal plane, the resulting precession turning.  This effect is explained by the above equations. The torque on the gyroscope is supplied by a couple of forces: gravity acting downward on the device's centre of mass, and an equal force acting upward to support one end of the device.  The rotation resulting from this torque is not downward, as might be intuitively expected, causing the device to fall, but perpendicular to both the gravitational torque (horizontal and perpendicular to the axis of rotation) and the axis of rotation (horizontal and outwards from the point of support), i.e., about a vertical axis, causing the device to rotate slowly about the supporting point.
Under a constant torque of magnitude ''τ'', the gyroscope's speed of precession ''Ω''<sub>P</sub> is inversely proportional to ''L'', the magnitude of its angular momentum:
:<math>\tau = \mathit{\Omega}_{\mathrm{P}} L \sin\theta,\!</math>
where ''θ'' is the angle between the vectors '''Ω'''<sub>P</sub> and '''L'''. Thus, if the gyroscope's spin slows down (for example, due to friction), its angular momentum decreases and so the rate of precession increases. This continues until the device is unable to rotate fast enough to support its own weight, when it stops precessing and falls off its support, mostly because friction against precession cause another precession that goes to cause the fall.
By convention, these three vectors - torque, spin, and precession - are all oriented with respect to each other according to the [[right-hand rule]].
To easily ascertain the direction of gyro effect, simply remember that a rolling wheel tends, when it leans to the side, to turn in the direction of the lean.
== Variations ==
=== Gyrostat ===
A '''gyrostat''' is a variant of the gyroscope. It consists of a massive flywheel concealed in a solid casing.<ref>William Thomson (1875).  ''Proc. London Math. Soc.'', vol. 6, pages 190&ndash;194.</ref><ref>[[Andrew Gray (physicist)|Andrew Gray]] (1959).  ''A Treatise on Gyrostatics and Rotational Motion: Theory and Applications'' (Dover, New York)</ref> Its behaviour on a table, or with various modes of suspension or support, serves to illustrate the curious reversal of the ordinary laws of static equilibrium due to the gyrostatic behaviour of the interior invisible flywheel when rotated rapidly. The first gyrostat was designed by [[Lord Kelvin]] to illustrate the more complicated state of motion of a spinning body when free to wander about on a horizontal plane, like a top spun on the pavement, or a hoop or bicycle on the road.  Kelvin also made use of gyrostats to develop mechanical theories of the elasticity of matter and of the ether;<ref>R. Kargon and P. Achinstein (eds., 1987).  ''Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics:  Historical and Philosophical Perspectives'' ISBN 0-232-11117-9</ref> these theories are of purely historical interest today.
In modern times, the gyrostat concept is used in the design of attitude control systems for orbiting spacecraft and satellites.<ref>Peter C. Hughes  (2004).  ''Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics'' ISBN 0-486-43925-9</ref>  For instance, the [[Mir]] space station had three pairs of internally mounted flywheels known as ''gyrodynes'' or ''control moment gyros''.
In physics, there are several systems whose dynamical equations  resemble the equations of motion of a gyrostat.<ref>C. Tong (2009).  ''American Journal of Physics'' vol. 77, pages 526&ndash;537</ref>  Examples include a solid body with a cavity filled with an inviscid, incompressible, homogeneous liquid,<ref>N.N. Moiseyev and V.V. Rumyantsev (1968). ''Dynamic Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid'' (Springer, New York)</ref> the static equilibrium configuration of a stressed elastic rod in [[elastica theory]],<ref>[[Joseph Larmor]] (1884).  ''Proc. London Math. Soc.'' vol. 15, pages 170&ndash;184</ref> the polarization dynamics of a light pulse propagating through a nonlinear medium,<ref>M.V. Tratnik and J.E. Sipe (1987).  ''Physical Review A'' vol. 35, pages 2965&ndash;2975</ref>  the [[Lorenz system]] in chaos theory,<ref>A.B. Gluhovsky (1982).  ''Soviet Physics Doklady'' vol. 27, pages 823&ndash;825</ref> and the motion of an ion in a [[Penning trap]] mass spectrometer.<ref>S. Eliseev et al (2011).  ''Physical Review Letters'' vol. 107, paper 152501</ref>
=== MEMS ===
A [[MEMS gyroscope]] takes the idea of the [[Foucault pendulum]] and uses a vibrating element, known as a [[Microelectromechanical systems|MEMS]] (Micro Electro-Mechanical System).  The MEMS-based gyro was initially made practical and producible by [[Systron Donner Inertial]] (SDI).  Today, SDI is a large manufacturer of MEMS gyroscopes.
=== FOG ===
A [[fiber optic gyroscope]] (FOG) is a gyroscope that uses the interference of light to detect mechanical rotation. The sensor is a coil of as much as 5&nbsp;km of optical fiber. The development of low-loss single-mode optical fiber in the early 1970s for the telecommunications industry enabled the development of [[Sagnac effect]] fiber optic gyros.
=== VSG or CVG ===
A [[vibrating structure gyroscope]] (VSG), also called a [[Vibrating structure gyroscope#Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope (CVG)|Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope (CVG)]],<ref>{{cite journal
| url =
| journal = International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Proceedings
| year = 2007
| title = Qualification Process for MEMS Gyroscopes for the Use in Navigation Systems
| author = H. Sternberg; C. Schwalm}}</ref> uses a resonator made of different metallic alloys.  It takes a position between the low-accuracy, low-cost MEMS gyroscope and the higher-accuracy and higher-cost FOG. Accuracy parameters are increased by using low-intrinsic damping materials, resonator vacuumization, and digital electronics to reduce temperature dependent drift and instability of control signals.<ref>{{cite journal
| url =
| title = Micromechanical inertial sensor development at Draper Laboratory with recent test results
| journal = Symposium Gyro Technology Proceedings
| date = 14-15 Sept. 1999
| author = Ash, M E; Trainor, C V; Elliott, R D; Borenstein, J T; Kourepenis, A S; Ward, P A; Weinberg, M S}}</ref>
High quality [[Vibrating structure gyroscope#Wine glass resonator|wine-glass resonators]] are used for precise sensors like HRG<ref>Lynch D.D. HRG Development at Delco, Litton, and Northrop Grumman ''//Proceedings of Anniversary Workshop on Solid-State Gyroscopy (19–21 May 2008. Yalta, Ukraine). - Kyiv-Kharkiv. ATS of Ukraine. 2009.'' - ISBN 978-976-0-25248-6{{Please check ISBN|reason=Check digit (6) does not correspond to calculated figure.}}</ref> or CRG.<ref>Sarapuloff S.A. High-Q Sapphire Resonator of Solid-State Gyroscope CRG-1 [ glass]{{dead link|date=June 2012}} or from single-crystalline [[sapphire]].</ref>
=== DTG ===
A dynamically tuned gyroscope (DTG) is a rotor suspended by a universal joint with flexure pivots.<ref>{{cite journal
| url =
| title = Modeling the dynamically tuned gyroscope in support of high-bandwidth capture loop design
| author = David May
| journal = Proc. SPIE
| volume = 3692
| year = 1999
| doi = 10.1117/12.352852
| pages = 101–111}}</ref>  The flexure spring stiffness is independent of spin rate. However, the dynamic inertia (from the gyroscopic reaction effect) from the gimbal provides negative spring stiffness proportional to the square of the spin speed (Howe and Savet, 1964; Lawrence, 1998). Therefore, at a particular speed, called the tuning speed, the two moments cancel each other, freeing the rotor from torque, a necessary condition for an ideal gyroscope.
=== London moment ===
A [[London moment]] gyroscope relies on the [[quantum-mechanical]] [[phenomenon]], whereby a [[rotation|spinning]] [[superconductor]] generates a [[magnetic field]] whose [[Axis of symmetry|axis]] lines up exactly with the spin axis of the gyroscopic rotor. A [[magnetometer]] determines the orientation of the generated field, which is [[Interpolation|interpolated]] to determine the axis of rotation. Gyroscopes of this type can be extremely accurate and stable.  For example, those used in the [[Gravity Probe B]] experiment measured changes in gyroscope spin axis orientation to better than 0.5 [[Minute of arc|milliarcseconds]] (1.4{{e|&minus;7}} degrees) over a one-year period.<ref></ref> This is equivalent to an [[angular separation]] the width of a human hair viewed from {{convert|32|km|mi|sp=us}} away.<ref>[ Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies]</ref>
The [[Gravity Probe B|GP-B]] gyro consists of a nearly-perfect spherical [[Moment of inertia#Rotational symmetry|rotating mass]] made of [[fused quartz]], which provides a [[dielectric]] support for a thin layer of [[niobium]] [[superconductor|superconducting]] material. To eliminate friction found in conventional bearings, the rotor assembly is centered by the electric field from six electrodes. After the initial [[Angular acceleration|spin-up]] by a jet of helium which brings the rotor to 4,000 [[Revolutions per minute|RPM]], the polished gyroscope housing is evacuated to an ultra-high vacuum to further reduce drag on the rotor. Provided the suspension electronics remain powered, the extreme [[rotational symmetry]], lack of friction, and low drag will allow the angular momentum of the rotor to keep it spinning for about 15,000 years.<ref>[ Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies] World's Most Perfect Gyroscopes</ref>
A sensitive DC [[SQUID]] magnetometer able to discriminate changes as small as one [[Magnetic flux quantum|quantum]], or about 2 {{e|&minus;15}} [[weber (unit)|Wb]], is used to monitor the gyroscope. A precession, or tilt, in the orientation of the rotor causes the London moment [[magnetic field]] to shift relative to the housing. The moving field passes through a superconducting [[Induction loop|pickup loop]] fixed to the housing, inducing a small electric current. The current produces a voltage across a [[Shunt (electrical)|shunt resistance]], which is resolved to [[spherical coordinate system|spherical coordinates]] by a microprocessor. The system is designed to minimize [[Lorentz force|Lorentz]] [[torque]] on the rotor.<ref>[ Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies]</ref>
== Modern uses ==
Gyroscope tops are sold as a common toy.
In addition to being used in compasses, aircraft, computer pointing devices, etc., gyroscopes have been introduced into consumer electronics. Since the gyroscope allows the calculation of orientation and rotation, designers have incorporated them into modern technology. The integration of the gyroscope has allowed for more accurate recognition of movement within a 3D space than the previous lone accelerometer within a number of smartphones. Gyroscopes in consumer electronics are frequently combined with [[accelerometer]]s (acceleration sensors) for more robust direction- and motion-sensing. Examples of such applications are found in the [[HTC Titan]],<ref>[ HTC Titan Specifications and Features]</ref> [[Nexus 5]], [[iPhone 5s]],<ref>[], CNN Tech.</ref> [[Nokia 808 PureView]],<ref>[ 808 PureView]</ref> [[Sixaxis|PlayStation 3 controller]], [[Wii Remote]], [[Sony Xperia]] etc.
[[Nintendo]] has integrated a gyroscope into the [[Wii]] console's [[Wii Remote]] controller by an additional piece of hardware called "[[Wii MotionPlus]]".<ref>Frank Caron (Aug 2008). [ Of gyroscopes and gaming: the tech behind the Wii MotionPlus], ars technica</ref> It is also included in the 3DS, which detects movement when turning.
Cruise ships use gyroscopes to level motion-sensitive devices such as self-leveling pool tables.
Described as a "motorbike-car" hybrid, the [[Lit Motors]] C-1 two wheeler uses a set of futuristic electronic gyroscopes, or [[Control Moment Gyroscope|control momentum gyroscope]]s, to ensure it remains upright and balanced, similar to the positioning technology used in the [[International Space Station]] and the [[Hubble Space Telescope]]. The only similarities the Lit C-1 shares with the Segway is an [[Inertial measurement unit|IMU]]. A similar device has been used in the RYNO and Honda UX3 monocycles.
An electric powered flywheel gyroscope inserted in a bicycle wheel is being sold as a training wheel replacement.
== See also ==
* [[Aerotrim]]
* [[Anti-rolling gyro]] &mdash; Ship gyroscopic roll stabilizers.
* [[Attitude indicator]]
* [[Balancing machine]]
* [[Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics]]
* [[Countersteering]]
* [[Euler angles]]
* [[Eric Laithwaite]]
* [[Gyro monorail]]
* [[Gyrocar]]
* [[Gyrotheodolite]]
* [[Gyroscopic exercise tool]]
* [[Heading indicator]]
* [[Reaction wheel]]
* [[Rifling]]
* [[Rigid body dynamics]]
* [[Top]]
* [[Turn and bank indicator]]
* [[Turn coordinator]]
* [[LN-3 Inertial Navigation System]]
* [[Stabilizer (ship)]]
* [[Vibrating structure gyroscope]]
== References ==
== Further reading ==
* [[Felix Klein]] and [[Arnold Sommerfeld]], "''Über die Theorie des Kreisels''" (Tr., About the theory of the gyroscope). Leipzig, Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1898&ndash;1914. 4 v. illus. 25&nbsp;cm.
* Audin, M. ''Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems''. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
* Proceedings of Anniversary Workshop on Solid-State Gyroscopy (19–21 May 2008. Yalta, Ukraine). - Kyiv-Kharkiv. ATS of Ukraine. 2009. ISBN 978-976-0-25248-6{{Please check ISBN|reason=Check digit (6) does not correspond to calculated figure.}}.
* E. Leimanis (1965).  ''The General Problem of the Motion of Coupled Rigid Bodies about a Fixed Point''.  (Springer, New York).
* Walter Wrigley, Walter M. Hollister, and William G. Denhard (1969).  ''Gyroscopic Theory, Design, and Instrumentation.'' (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA).
* Provatidis, C. G. (2012). Revisiting the Spinning Top, ''International Journal of Materials and Mechanical Engineering'', Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.&nbsp;71–88, open access at (ISSN Online: 2164-280X, ISSN Print: 2162-0695).
== External links ==
{{Wikibooks|High School Physics/Rotational Motion}}
* [ The Royal Institution's 1974–75 Christmas Lecture] Professor Eric Laithwaite
* [ One-Wheeled Robot-Gyrostat] by Olga Kapustina and Yuri Martynenko  [[Wolfram Demonstrations Project]]
* [ The Little Top That Aims a Gun] by Gold Sanders, [[Popular Science]] July 1945
* Apostolyuk V. [ Theory and Design of Micromechanical Vibratory Gyroscopes]
[[Category:Gyroscopes| ]]
[[Category:1852 introductions]]

Revision as of 12:00, 26 December 2013

29 yr old Orthopaedic Surgeon Grippo from Saint-Paul, spends time with interests including model railways, top property developers in singapore developers in singapore and dolls. Finished a cruise ship experience that included passing by Runic Stones and Church. 30 year-old Entertainer or Range Artist Wesley from Drumheller, really loves vehicle, property developers properties for sale in singapore singapore and horse racing. Finds inspiration by traveling to Works of Antoni Gaudí.

A gyroscope

A gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of angular momentum.[1] Mechanically, a gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. Although this orientation does not remain fixed, it changes in response to an external torque much less and in a different direction than it would with the large angular momentum associated with the disc's high rate of spin and moment of inertiaTemplate:Wtf?. The device's orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platform's motion, because mounting the device in a gimbal minimizes external torque.

Gyroscopes based on other operating principles also exist, such as the electronic, microchip-packaged MEMS gyroscope devices found in consumer electronic devices, solid-state ring lasers, fibre optic gyroscopes, and the extremely sensitive quantum gyroscope.

Applications of gyroscopes include inertial navigation systems where magnetic compasses would not work (as in the Hubble telescope) or would not be precise enough (as in ICBMs), or for the stabilization of flying vehicles like radio-controlled helicopters or unmanned aerial vehicles. Due to their precision, gyroscopes are also used in gyrotheodolites to maintain direction in tunnel mining.[2]

Description and diagram

Diagram of a gyro wheel. Reaction arrows about the output axis (blue) correspond to forces applied about the input axis (green), and vice versa.

Within mechanical systems or devices, a conventional gyroscope is a mechanism comprising a rotor journaled to spin about one axis, the journals of the rotor being mounted in an inner gimbal or ring; the inner gimbal is journaled for oscillation in an outer gimbal for a total of two gimbals.

The outer gimbal or ring, which is the gyroscope frame, is mounted so as to pivot about an axis in its own plane determined by the support. This outer gimbal possesses one degree of rotational freedom and its axis possesses none. The next inner gimbal is mounted in the gyroscope frame (outer gimbal) so as to pivot about an axis in its own plane that is always perpendicular to the pivotal axis of the gyroscope frame (outer gimbal). This inner gimbal has two degrees of rotational freedom.

The axle of the spinning wheel defines the spin axis. The rotor is journaled to spin about an axis, which is always perpendicular to the axis of the inner gimbal. So the rotor possesses three degrees of rotational freedom and its axis possesses two. The wheel responds to a force applied about the input axis by a reaction force about the output axis.

The behaviour of a gyroscope can be most easily appreciated by consideration of the front wheel of a bicycle. If the wheel is leaned away from the vertical so that the top of the wheel moves to the left, the forward rim of the wheel also turns to the left. In other words, rotation on one axis of the turning wheel produces rotation of the third axis.

A gyroscope flywheel will roll or resist about the output axis depending upon whether the output gimbals are of a free- or fixed- configuration. Examples of some free-output-gimbal devices would be the attitude reference gyroscopes used to sense or measure the pitch, roll and yaw attitude angles in a spacecraft or aircraft.

Animation of a gyro wheel in action

The centre of gravity of the rotor can be in a fixed position. The rotor simultaneously spins about one axis and is capable of oscillating about the two other axes, and, thus, except for its inherent resistance due to rotor spin, it is free to turn in any direction about the fixed point. Some gyroscopes have mechanical equivalents substituted for one or more of the elements. For example, the spinning rotor may be suspended in a fluid, instead of being pivotally mounted in gimbals. A control moment gyroscope (CMG) is an example of a fixed-output-gimbal device that is used on spacecraft to hold or maintain a desired attitude angle or pointing direction using the gyroscopic resistance force.

In some special cases, the outer gimbal (or its equivalent) may be omitted so that the rotor has only two degrees of freedom. In other cases, the centre of gravity of the rotor may be offset from the axis of oscillation, and, thus, the centre of gravity of the rotor and the centre of suspension of the rotor may not coincide.


Gyroscope invented by Léon Foucault in 1852. Replica built by Dumoulin-Froment for the Exposition universelle in 1867. National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts museum, Paris.

Essentially, a gyroscope is a top, a self-balancing spinning toy, put to instrumental use. Tops were invented in many different civilizations, including classical Greece, Rome, Indus and China, and the Māori culture a thousand years later.[3] Most of these, though using the same conservation of angular momentum as a gyro, were not utilized as instruments.

The first known use of such a top as an instrument came in 1743, when John Serson invented the "Whirling speculum" (or Serson's Speculum), a spinning top that was used as a level, to locate the horizon in foggy or misty conditions.

The instrument used more like an actual gyroscope was made by German Johann Bohnenberger, who first wrote about it in 1817. At first he called it the "Machine".[4][5] Bohnenberger's machine was based on a rotating massive sphere.[6] In 1832, American Walter R. Johnson developed a similar device that was based on a rotating disc.[7][8] The French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace, working at the École Polytechnique in Paris, recommended the machine for use as a teaching aid, and thus it came to the attention of Léon Foucault.[9] In 1852, Foucault used it in an experiment involving the rotation of the Earth.[10][11] It was Foucault who gave the device its modern name, in an experiment to see (Greek skopeein, to see) the Earth's rotation (Greek gyros, circle or rotation),[12] which was visible in the 8 to 10 minutes before friction slowed the spinning rotor.

In the 1860s, the advent of electric motors made it possible for a gyroscope to spin indefinitely; this led to the first prototype heading indicators, and a rather more complicated device, the gyrocompass. The first functional gyrocompass was patented in 1904 by German inventor Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe.[13] The American Elmer Sperry followed with his own design later that year, and other nations soon realized the military importance of the invention—in an age in which naval prowess was the most significant measure of military power—and created their own gyroscope industries. The Sperry Gyroscope Company quickly expanded to provide aircraft and naval stabilizers as well, and other gyroscope developers followed suit.[14]

In 1917, the Chandler Company of Indianapolis, created the "Chandler gyroscope", a toy gyroscope with a pull string and pedestal. Chandler continued to produce the toy until the company was purchased by TEDCO inc. in 1982. The chandler toy is still produced by TEDCO today.[15]

In the first several decades of the 20th century, other inventors attempted (unsuccessfully) to use gyroscopes as the basis for early black box navigational systems by creating a stable platform from which accurate acceleration measurements could be performed (in order to bypass the need for star sightings to calculate position). Similar principles were later employed in the development of inertial guidance systems for ballistic missiles.[16]

During World War II, the gyroscope became the prime component for aircraft and anti-aircraft gun sights.[17] After the war, the race to miniaturize gyroscopes for guided missiles and weapons navigation systems resulted in the development and manufacturing of so-called midget gyroscopes that weighed less than Template:Convert and had a diameter of approximately Template:Convert. Some of these miniaturize gyroscopes could reach a speed of 24,000 revolutions per minute in less than 10 seconds.[18]

3-axis MEMS-based gyroscopes are also being used in portable electronic devices such as Apple's current generation of iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.[19] This adds to the 3-axis acceleration sensing ability available on previous generations of devices. Together these sensors provide 6 component motion sensing; acceleration for X,Y, and Z movement, and gyroscopes for measuring the extent and rate of rotation in space (roll, pitch and yaw).


A gyroscope in operation with freedom in all three axes. The rotor will maintain its spin axis direction regardless of the orientation of the outer frame.

A free gyroscope maintains its axis. Gyroscopes can be used to construct gyrocompasses, which complement or replace magnetic compasses (in ships, aircraft and spacecraft, vehicles in general), to assist in stability (Hubble Space Telescope, bicycles, motorcycles, and ships) or be used as part of an inertial guidance system. Gyroscopic effects are used in tops, boomerangs, yo-yos, and Powerballs. Many other rotating devices, such as flywheels, behave in the manner of a gyroscope, although the gyroscopic effect is not being used.

When the gyroscope is not free (under the influence of torques), it exhibits a number of behaviors including precession and nutation. The fundamental equation describing the behavior of the gyroscope is:

where the pseudovectors τ and L are, respectively, the torque on the gyroscope and its angular momentum, the scalar I is its moment of inertia, the vector ω is its angular velocity, and the vector α is its angular acceleration.

It follows from this that a torque τ applied perpendicular to the axis of rotation, and therefore perpendicular to L, results in a rotation about an axis perpendicular to both τ and L. This motion is called precession. The angular velocity of precession ΩP is given by the cross product:

Precession on a gyroscope

Precession can be demonstrated by placing a spinning gyroscope with its axis horizontal and supported loosely (frictionless toward precession) at one end. Instead of falling, as might be expected, the gyroscope appears to defy gravity by remaining with its axis horizontal, when the other end of the axis is left unsupported and the free end of the axis slowly describes a circle in a horizontal plane, the resulting precession turning. This effect is explained by the above equations. The torque on the gyroscope is supplied by a couple of forces: gravity acting downward on the device's centre of mass, and an equal force acting upward to support one end of the device. The rotation resulting from this torque is not downward, as might be intuitively expected, causing the device to fall, but perpendicular to both the gravitational torque (horizontal and perpendicular to the axis of rotation) and the axis of rotation (horizontal and outwards from the point of support), i.e., about a vertical axis, causing the device to rotate slowly about the supporting point.

Under a constant torque of magnitude τ, the gyroscope's speed of precession ΩP is inversely proportional to L, the magnitude of its angular momentum:

where θ is the angle between the vectors ΩP and L. Thus, if the gyroscope's spin slows down (for example, due to friction), its angular momentum decreases and so the rate of precession increases. This continues until the device is unable to rotate fast enough to support its own weight, when it stops precessing and falls off its support, mostly because friction against precession cause another precession that goes to cause the fall.

By convention, these three vectors - torque, spin, and precession - are all oriented with respect to each other according to the right-hand rule.

To easily ascertain the direction of gyro effect, simply remember that a rolling wheel tends, when it leans to the side, to turn in the direction of the lean.



A gyrostat is a variant of the gyroscope. It consists of a massive flywheel concealed in a solid casing.[20][21] Its behaviour on a table, or with various modes of suspension or support, serves to illustrate the curious reversal of the ordinary laws of static equilibrium due to the gyrostatic behaviour of the interior invisible flywheel when rotated rapidly. The first gyrostat was designed by Lord Kelvin to illustrate the more complicated state of motion of a spinning body when free to wander about on a horizontal plane, like a top spun on the pavement, or a hoop or bicycle on the road. Kelvin also made use of gyrostats to develop mechanical theories of the elasticity of matter and of the ether;[22] these theories are of purely historical interest today.

In modern times, the gyrostat concept is used in the design of attitude control systems for orbiting spacecraft and satellites.[23] For instance, the Mir space station had three pairs of internally mounted flywheels known as gyrodynes or control moment gyros.

In physics, there are several systems whose dynamical equations resemble the equations of motion of a gyrostat.[24] Examples include a solid body with a cavity filled with an inviscid, incompressible, homogeneous liquid,[25] the static equilibrium configuration of a stressed elastic rod in elastica theory,[26] the polarization dynamics of a light pulse propagating through a nonlinear medium,[27] the Lorenz system in chaos theory,[28] and the motion of an ion in a Penning trap mass spectrometer.[29]


A MEMS gyroscope takes the idea of the Foucault pendulum and uses a vibrating element, known as a MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical System). The MEMS-based gyro was initially made practical and producible by Systron Donner Inertial (SDI). Today, SDI is a large manufacturer of MEMS gyroscopes.


A fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) is a gyroscope that uses the interference of light to detect mechanical rotation. The sensor is a coil of as much as 5 km of optical fiber. The development of low-loss single-mode optical fiber in the early 1970s for the telecommunications industry enabled the development of Sagnac effect fiber optic gyros.


A vibrating structure gyroscope (VSG), also called a Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope (CVG),[30] uses a resonator made of different metallic alloys. It takes a position between the low-accuracy, low-cost MEMS gyroscope and the higher-accuracy and higher-cost FOG. Accuracy parameters are increased by using low-intrinsic damping materials, resonator vacuumization, and digital electronics to reduce temperature dependent drift and instability of control signals.[31]

High quality wine-glass resonators are used for precise sensors like HRG[32] or CRG.[33]


A dynamically tuned gyroscope (DTG) is a rotor suspended by a universal joint with flexure pivots.[34] The flexure spring stiffness is independent of spin rate. However, the dynamic inertia (from the gyroscopic reaction effect) from the gimbal provides negative spring stiffness proportional to the square of the spin speed (Howe and Savet, 1964; Lawrence, 1998). Therefore, at a particular speed, called the tuning speed, the two moments cancel each other, freeing the rotor from torque, a necessary condition for an ideal gyroscope.

London moment

A London moment gyroscope relies on the quantum-mechanical phenomenon, whereby a spinning superconductor generates a magnetic field whose axis lines up exactly with the spin axis of the gyroscopic rotor. A magnetometer determines the orientation of the generated field, which is interpolated to determine the axis of rotation. Gyroscopes of this type can be extremely accurate and stable. For example, those used in the Gravity Probe B experiment measured changes in gyroscope spin axis orientation to better than 0.5 milliarcseconds (1.4Template:E degrees) over a one-year period.[35] This is equivalent to an angular separation the width of a human hair viewed from Template:Convert away.[36]

The GP-B gyro consists of a nearly-perfect spherical rotating mass made of fused quartz, which provides a dielectric support for a thin layer of niobium superconducting material. To eliminate friction found in conventional bearings, the rotor assembly is centered by the electric field from six electrodes. After the initial spin-up by a jet of helium which brings the rotor to 4,000 RPM, the polished gyroscope housing is evacuated to an ultra-high vacuum to further reduce drag on the rotor. Provided the suspension electronics remain powered, the extreme rotational symmetry, lack of friction, and low drag will allow the angular momentum of the rotor to keep it spinning for about 15,000 years.[37]

A sensitive DC SQUID magnetometer able to discriminate changes as small as one quantum, or about 2 Template:E Wb, is used to monitor the gyroscope. A precession, or tilt, in the orientation of the rotor causes the London moment magnetic field to shift relative to the housing. The moving field passes through a superconducting pickup loop fixed to the housing, inducing a small electric current. The current produces a voltage across a shunt resistance, which is resolved to spherical coordinates by a microprocessor. The system is designed to minimize Lorentz torque on the rotor.[38]

Modern uses

Gyroscope tops are sold as a common toy.

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. In addition to being used in compasses, aircraft, computer pointing devices, etc., gyroscopes have been introduced into consumer electronics. Since the gyroscope allows the calculation of orientation and rotation, designers have incorporated them into modern technology. The integration of the gyroscope has allowed for more accurate recognition of movement within a 3D space than the previous lone accelerometer within a number of smartphones. Gyroscopes in consumer electronics are frequently combined with accelerometers (acceleration sensors) for more robust direction- and motion-sensing. Examples of such applications are found in the HTC Titan,[39] Nexus 5, iPhone 5s,[40] Nokia 808 PureView,[41] PlayStation 3 controller, Wii Remote, Sony Xperia etc.

Nintendo has integrated a gyroscope into the Wii console's Wii Remote controller by an additional piece of hardware called "Wii MotionPlus".[42] It is also included in the 3DS, which detects movement when turning.

Cruise ships use gyroscopes to level motion-sensitive devices such as self-leveling pool tables.

Described as a "motorbike-car" hybrid, the Lit Motors C-1 two wheeler uses a set of futuristic electronic gyroscopes, or control momentum gyroscopes, to ensure it remains upright and balanced, similar to the positioning technology used in the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope. The only similarities the Lit C-1 shares with the Segway is an IMU. A similar device has been used in the RYNO and Honda UX3 monocycles.

An electric powered flywheel gyroscope inserted in a bicycle wheel is being sold as a training wheel replacement.

See also


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

Further reading

  • Felix Klein and Arnold Sommerfeld, "Über die Theorie des Kreisels" (Tr., About the theory of the gyroscope). Leipzig, Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1898–1914. 4 v. illus. 25 cm.
  • Audin, M. Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  • Proceedings of Anniversary Workshop on Solid-State Gyroscopy (19–21 May 2008. Yalta, Ukraine). - Kyiv-Kharkiv. ATS of Ukraine. 2009. ISBN 978-976-0-25248-6Template:Please check ISBN.
  • E. Leimanis (1965). The General Problem of the Motion of Coupled Rigid Bodies about a Fixed Point. (Springer, New York).
  • Walter Wrigley, Walter M. Hollister, and William G. Denhard (1969). Gyroscopic Theory, Design, and Instrumentation. (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA).
  • Provatidis, C. G. (2012). Revisiting the Spinning Top, International Journal of Materials and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 71–88, open access at (ISSN Online: 2164-280X, ISSN Print: 2162-0695).

External links

DTZ's auction group in Singapore auctions all types of residential, workplace and retail properties, retailers, homes, accommodations, boarding houses, industrial buildings and development websites. Auctions are at the moment held as soon as a month.

Whitehaven @ Pasir Panjang – A boutique improvement nicely nestled peacefully in serene Pasir Panjang personal estate presenting a hundred and twenty rare freehold private apartments tastefully designed by the famend Ong & Ong Architect. Only a short drive away from Science Park and NUS Campus, Jade Residences, a recent Freehold condominium which offers high quality lifestyle with wonderful facilities and conveniences proper at its door steps. Its fashionable linear architectural fashion promotes peace and tranquility living nestled within the D19 personal housing enclave. Rising workplace sector leads real estate market efficiency, while prime retail and enterprise park segments moderate and residential sector continues in decline International Market Perspectives - 1st Quarter 2014

There are a lot of websites out there stating to be one of the best seek for propertycondominiumhouse, and likewise some ways to discover a low cost propertycondominiumhouse. Owning a propertycondominiumhouse in Singapore is the dream of virtually all individuals in Singapore, It is likely one of the large choice we make in a lifetime. Even if you happen to're new to Property listing singapore funding, we are right here that will help you in making the best resolution to purchase a propertycondominiumhouse at the least expensive value.

Jun 18 ROCHESTER in MIXED USE IMPROVEMENT $1338000 / 1br - 861ft² - (THE ROCHESTER CLOSE TO NORTH BUONA VISTA RD) pic real property - by broker Jun 18 MIXED USE IMPROVEMENT @ ROCHESTER @ ROCHESTER PK $1880000 / 1br - 1281ft² - (ROCHESTER CLOSE TO NORTH BUONA VISTA) pic real estate - by broker Tue 17 Jun Jun 17 Sunny Artwork Deco Gem Near Seashore-Super Deal!!! $103600 / 2br - 980ft² - (Ventnor) pic actual estate - by owner Jun 17 Freehold semi-d for rent (Jalan Rebana ) $7000000 / 5909ft² - (Jalan Rebana ) actual property - by dealer Jun sixteen Ascent @ 456 in D12 (456 Balestier Highway,Singapore) pic real property - by proprietor Jun 16 RETAIL SHOP AT SIM LIM SQUARE FOR SALE, IT MALL, ROCHOR, BUGIS MRT $2000000 / 506ft² - (ROCHOR, BUGIS MRT) pic real estate - by dealer HDB Scheme Any DBSS BTO

In case you are eligible to purchase landed houses (open solely to Singapore residents) it is without doubt one of the best property investment choices. Landed housing varieties solely a small fraction of available residential property in Singapore, due to shortage of land right here. In the long term it should hold its worth and appreciate as the supply is small. In truth, landed housing costs have risen the most, having doubled within the last eight years or so. However he got here back the following day with two suitcases full of money. Typically we've got to clarify to such folks that there are rules and paperwork in Singapore and you can't just buy a home like that,' she said. For conveyancing matters there shall be a recommendedLondon Regulation agency familiar with Singapore London propertyinvestors to symbolize you

Sales transaction volumes have been expected to hit four,000 units for 2012, close to the mixed EC gross sales volume in 2010 and 2011, in accordance with Savills Singapore. Nevertheless the last quarter was weak. In Q4 2012, sales transactions were 22.8% down q-q to 7,931 units, in line with the URA. The quarterly sales discount was felt throughout the board. When the sale just starts, I am not in a hurry to buy. It's completely different from a private sale open for privileged clients for one day solely. Orchard / Holland (D09-10) House For Sale The Tembusu is a singular large freehold land outdoors the central area. Designed by multiple award-profitable architects Arc Studio Architecture + Urbanism, the event is targeted for launch in mid 2013. Post your Property Condos Close to MRT

  1. "Gyroscope" by Sándor Kabai, Wolfram Demonstrations Project.
  2. Discover magazine 20 things you didn't know about tunnels (Number 8).
  3. Brief History of Gyroscopes
  4. Johann G. F. Bohnenberger (1817) "Beschreibung einer Maschine zur Erläuterung der Gesetze der Umdrehung der Erde um ihre Axe, und der Veränderung der Lage der letzteren" (Description of a machine for the explanation of the laws of rotation of the Earth around its axis, and of the change of the orientation of the latter), Tübinger Blätter für Naturwissenschaften und Arzneikunde, vol. 3, pages 72–83.
  5. The French mathematician Poisson mentions Bohnenberger's machine as early as 1813: Simeon-Denis Poisson (1813) "Mémoire sur un cas particulier du mouvement de rotation des corps pesans" [Memoir on a special case of rotational movement of massive bodies], Journal de l'École Polytechnique, vol. 9, pages 247–262. Available on-line at: .
  6. A photograph of Bohnenberger's instrument is available on-line here: [1] ION Museum: The Machine of Bohnenberger .
  7. Walter R. Johnson (January 1832). "Description of an apparatus called the rotascope for exhibiting several phenomena and illustrating certain laws of rotary motion", The American Journal of Science and Art, 1st series, vol. 21, no. 2, pages 265–280.
  8. Drawings of Walter R. Johnson's gyroscope ("rotascope") were used to illustrate phenomena in the following lecture: E.S. Snell (1856) "On planetary disturbances," Board of Regents, Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.... (Washington, D.C.: Cornelius Wendell, 1856), pages 175–190.
  9. Wagner JF, "The Machine of Bohnenberger", The Institute of Navigation
  10. L. Foucault (1852) "Sur les phénomènes d’orientation des corps tournants entraînés par un axe fixe à la surface de la terre — Nouveaux signes sensibles du mouvement diurne" (On the phenomena of the orientation of rotating bodies carried along by an axis fixed to the surface of the earth — New perceptible signs of the daily movement), Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences (Paris), vol. 35, pages 424–427. Available on-line (in French): .
  11. Circa 1852, Friedrich Fessel, a German mechanic and former secondary school teacher, independently developed a gyroscope. See: (1) Julius Plücker (September 1853) "Über die Fessel'sche rotationsmachine", Annalen der Physik, vol. 166, no. 9, pages 174–177; (2) Julius Plücker (October 1853) "Noch ein wort über die Fessel'sche rotationsmachine", Annalen der Physik, vol. 166, no. 10, pages 348–351; (3) Charles Wheatstone (1864) "On Fessel's gyroscope", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, vol. 7, pages 43–48.
  12. L. Foucault (1852) Comptes rendus..., vol. 35, page 427.
  13. Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe and Friedrich von Shirach, "Kreiselapparat" (Gyroscope) Deutsches Reichspatent no. 182855 (filed: 27 March 1904 ; issued: 2 April 1907).
  14. MacKenzie, Donald. Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1990. pp. 31–40. ISBN 0-262-13258-3
  15. Template:Cite web
  16. MacKenzie, pp. 40–42.
  17. The Little Top That Aims a Gun by Gold Sanders, Popular Science July 1945
  18. "Midget Gyros to Guided Missiles" March 1954, p. 148, bottom page.
  19. iPhone 4 Gyroscope Teardown, iFixit
  20. William Thomson (1875). Proc. London Math. Soc., vol. 6, pages 190–194.
  21. Andrew Gray (1959). A Treatise on Gyrostatics and Rotational Motion: Theory and Applications (Dover, New York)
  22. R. Kargon and P. Achinstein (eds., 1987). Kelvin's Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives ISBN 0-232-11117-9
  23. Peter C. Hughes (2004). Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics ISBN 0-486-43925-9
  24. C. Tong (2009). American Journal of Physics vol. 77, pages 526–537
  25. N.N. Moiseyev and V.V. Rumyantsev (1968). Dynamic Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid (Springer, New York)
  26. Joseph Larmor (1884). Proc. London Math. Soc. vol. 15, pages 170–184
  27. M.V. Tratnik and J.E. Sipe (1987). Physical Review A vol. 35, pages 2965–2975
  28. A.B. Gluhovsky (1982). Soviet Physics Doklady vol. 27, pages 823–825
  29. S. Eliseev et al (2011). Physical Review Letters vol. 107, paper 152501
  30. One of the biggest reasons investing in a Singapore new launch is an effective things is as a result of it is doable to be lent massive quantities of money at very low interest rates that you should utilize to purchase it. Then, if property values continue to go up, then you'll get a really high return on funding (ROI). Simply make sure you purchase one of the higher properties, reminiscent of the ones at Fernvale the Riverbank or any Singapore landed property Get Earnings by means of Renting

    In its statement, the singapore property listing - website link, government claimed that the majority citizens buying their first residence won't be hurt by the new measures. Some concessions can even be prolonged to chose teams of consumers, similar to married couples with a minimum of one Singaporean partner who are purchasing their second property so long as they intend to promote their first residential property. Lower the LTV limit on housing loans granted by monetary establishments regulated by MAS from 70% to 60% for property purchasers who are individuals with a number of outstanding housing loans on the time of the brand new housing purchase. Singapore Property Measures - 30 August 2010 The most popular seek for the number of bedrooms in Singapore is 4, followed by 2 and three. Lush Acres EC @ Sengkang

    Discover out more about real estate funding in the area, together with info on international funding incentives and property possession. Many Singaporeans have been investing in property across the causeway in recent years, attracted by comparatively low prices. However, those who need to exit their investments quickly are likely to face significant challenges when trying to sell their property – and could finally be stuck with a property they can't sell. Career improvement programmes, in-house valuation, auctions and administrative help, venture advertising and marketing, skilled talks and traisning are continuously planned for the sales associates to help them obtain better outcomes for his or her shoppers while at Knight Frank Singapore. No change Present Rules

    Extending the tax exemption would help. The exemption, which may be as a lot as $2 million per family, covers individuals who negotiate a principal reduction on their existing mortgage, sell their house short (i.e., for lower than the excellent loans), or take part in a foreclosure course of. An extension of theexemption would seem like a common-sense means to assist stabilize the housing market, but the political turmoil around the fiscal-cliff negotiations means widespread sense could not win out. Home Minority Chief Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) believes that the mortgage relief provision will be on the table during the grand-cut price talks, in response to communications director Nadeam Elshami. Buying or promoting of blue mild bulbs is unlawful.

    A vendor's stamp duty has been launched on industrial property for the primary time, at rates ranging from 5 per cent to 15 per cent. The Authorities might be trying to reassure the market that they aren't in opposition to foreigners and PRs investing in Singapore's property market. They imposed these measures because of extenuating components available in the market." The sale of new dual-key EC models will even be restricted to multi-generational households only. The models have two separate entrances, permitting grandparents, for example, to dwell separately. The vendor's stamp obligation takes effect right this moment and applies to industrial property and plots which might be offered inside three years of the date of buy. JLL named Best Performing Property Brand for second year running

    The data offered is for normal info purposes only and isn't supposed to be personalised investment or monetary advice. Motley Fool Singapore contributor Stanley Lim would not personal shares in any corporations talked about. Singapore private home costs increased by 1.eight% within the fourth quarter of 2012, up from 0.6% within the earlier quarter. Resale prices of government-built HDB residences which are usually bought by Singaporeans, elevated by 2.5%, quarter on quarter, the quickest acquire in five quarters. And industrial property, prices are actually double the levels of three years ago. No withholding tax in the event you sell your property. All your local information regarding vital HDB policies, condominium launches, land growth, commercial property and more

    There are various methods to go about discovering the precise property. Some local newspapers (together with the Straits Instances ) have categorised property sections and many local property brokers have websites. Now there are some specifics to consider when buying a 'new launch' rental. Intended use of the unit Every sale begins with 10 p.c low cost for finish of season sale; changes to 20 % discount storewide; follows by additional reduction of fiftyand ends with last discount of 70 % or extra. Typically there is even a warehouse sale or transferring out sale with huge mark-down of costs for stock clearance. Deborah Regulation from Expat Realtor shares her property market update, plus prime rental residences and houses at the moment available to lease Esparina EC @ Sengkang
  31. One of the biggest reasons investing in a Singapore new launch is an effective things is as a result of it is doable to be lent massive quantities of money at very low interest rates that you should utilize to purchase it. Then, if property values continue to go up, then you'll get a really high return on funding (ROI). Simply make sure you purchase one of the higher properties, reminiscent of the ones at Fernvale the Riverbank or any Singapore landed property Get Earnings by means of Renting

    In its statement, the singapore property listing - website link, government claimed that the majority citizens buying their first residence won't be hurt by the new measures. Some concessions can even be prolonged to chose teams of consumers, similar to married couples with a minimum of one Singaporean partner who are purchasing their second property so long as they intend to promote their first residential property. Lower the LTV limit on housing loans granted by monetary establishments regulated by MAS from 70% to 60% for property purchasers who are individuals with a number of outstanding housing loans on the time of the brand new housing purchase. Singapore Property Measures - 30 August 2010 The most popular seek for the number of bedrooms in Singapore is 4, followed by 2 and three. Lush Acres EC @ Sengkang

    Discover out more about real estate funding in the area, together with info on international funding incentives and property possession. Many Singaporeans have been investing in property across the causeway in recent years, attracted by comparatively low prices. However, those who need to exit their investments quickly are likely to face significant challenges when trying to sell their property – and could finally be stuck with a property they can't sell. Career improvement programmes, in-house valuation, auctions and administrative help, venture advertising and marketing, skilled talks and traisning are continuously planned for the sales associates to help them obtain better outcomes for his or her shoppers while at Knight Frank Singapore. No change Present Rules

    Extending the tax exemption would help. The exemption, which may be as a lot as $2 million per family, covers individuals who negotiate a principal reduction on their existing mortgage, sell their house short (i.e., for lower than the excellent loans), or take part in a foreclosure course of. An extension of theexemption would seem like a common-sense means to assist stabilize the housing market, but the political turmoil around the fiscal-cliff negotiations means widespread sense could not win out. Home Minority Chief Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) believes that the mortgage relief provision will be on the table during the grand-cut price talks, in response to communications director Nadeam Elshami. Buying or promoting of blue mild bulbs is unlawful.

    A vendor's stamp duty has been launched on industrial property for the primary time, at rates ranging from 5 per cent to 15 per cent. The Authorities might be trying to reassure the market that they aren't in opposition to foreigners and PRs investing in Singapore's property market. They imposed these measures because of extenuating components available in the market." The sale of new dual-key EC models will even be restricted to multi-generational households only. The models have two separate entrances, permitting grandparents, for example, to dwell separately. The vendor's stamp obligation takes effect right this moment and applies to industrial property and plots which might be offered inside three years of the date of buy. JLL named Best Performing Property Brand for second year running

    The data offered is for normal info purposes only and isn't supposed to be personalised investment or monetary advice. Motley Fool Singapore contributor Stanley Lim would not personal shares in any corporations talked about. Singapore private home costs increased by 1.eight% within the fourth quarter of 2012, up from 0.6% within the earlier quarter. Resale prices of government-built HDB residences which are usually bought by Singaporeans, elevated by 2.5%, quarter on quarter, the quickest acquire in five quarters. And industrial property, prices are actually double the levels of three years ago. No withholding tax in the event you sell your property. All your local information regarding vital HDB policies, condominium launches, land growth, commercial property and more

    There are various methods to go about discovering the precise property. Some local newspapers (together with the Straits Instances ) have categorised property sections and many local property brokers have websites. Now there are some specifics to consider when buying a 'new launch' rental. Intended use of the unit Every sale begins with 10 p.c low cost for finish of season sale; changes to 20 % discount storewide; follows by additional reduction of fiftyand ends with last discount of 70 % or extra. Typically there is even a warehouse sale or transferring out sale with huge mark-down of costs for stock clearance. Deborah Regulation from Expat Realtor shares her property market update, plus prime rental residences and houses at the moment available to lease Esparina EC @ Sengkang
  32. Lynch D.D. HRG Development at Delco, Litton, and Northrop Grumman //Proceedings of Anniversary Workshop on Solid-State Gyroscopy (19–21 May 2008. Yalta, Ukraine). - Kyiv-Kharkiv. ATS of Ukraine. 2009. - ISBN 978-976-0-25248-6Template:Please check ISBN
  33. Sarapuloff S.A. High-Q Sapphire Resonator of Solid-State Gyroscope CRG-1 glassTemplate:Dead link or from single-crystalline sapphire.
  34. One of the biggest reasons investing in a Singapore new launch is an effective things is as a result of it is doable to be lent massive quantities of money at very low interest rates that you should utilize to purchase it. Then, if property values continue to go up, then you'll get a really high return on funding (ROI). Simply make sure you purchase one of the higher properties, reminiscent of the ones at Fernvale the Riverbank or any Singapore landed property Get Earnings by means of Renting

    In its statement, the singapore property listing - website link, government claimed that the majority citizens buying their first residence won't be hurt by the new measures. Some concessions can even be prolonged to chose teams of consumers, similar to married couples with a minimum of one Singaporean partner who are purchasing their second property so long as they intend to promote their first residential property. Lower the LTV limit on housing loans granted by monetary establishments regulated by MAS from 70% to 60% for property purchasers who are individuals with a number of outstanding housing loans on the time of the brand new housing purchase. Singapore Property Measures - 30 August 2010 The most popular seek for the number of bedrooms in Singapore is 4, followed by 2 and three. Lush Acres EC @ Sengkang

    Discover out more about real estate funding in the area, together with info on international funding incentives and property possession. Many Singaporeans have been investing in property across the causeway in recent years, attracted by comparatively low prices. However, those who need to exit their investments quickly are likely to face significant challenges when trying to sell their property – and could finally be stuck with a property they can't sell. Career improvement programmes, in-house valuation, auctions and administrative help, venture advertising and marketing, skilled talks and traisning are continuously planned for the sales associates to help them obtain better outcomes for his or her shoppers while at Knight Frank Singapore. No change Present Rules

    Extending the tax exemption would help. The exemption, which may be as a lot as $2 million per family, covers individuals who negotiate a principal reduction on their existing mortgage, sell their house short (i.e., for lower than the excellent loans), or take part in a foreclosure course of. An extension of theexemption would seem like a common-sense means to assist stabilize the housing market, but the political turmoil around the fiscal-cliff negotiations means widespread sense could not win out. Home Minority Chief Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) believes that the mortgage relief provision will be on the table during the grand-cut price talks, in response to communications director Nadeam Elshami. Buying or promoting of blue mild bulbs is unlawful.

    A vendor's stamp duty has been launched on industrial property for the primary time, at rates ranging from 5 per cent to 15 per cent. The Authorities might be trying to reassure the market that they aren't in opposition to foreigners and PRs investing in Singapore's property market. They imposed these measures because of extenuating components available in the market." The sale of new dual-key EC models will even be restricted to multi-generational households only. The models have two separate entrances, permitting grandparents, for example, to dwell separately. The vendor's stamp obligation takes effect right this moment and applies to industrial property and plots which might be offered inside three years of the date of buy. JLL named Best Performing Property Brand for second year running

    The data offered is for normal info purposes only and isn't supposed to be personalised investment or monetary advice. Motley Fool Singapore contributor Stanley Lim would not personal shares in any corporations talked about. Singapore private home costs increased by 1.eight% within the fourth quarter of 2012, up from 0.6% within the earlier quarter. Resale prices of government-built HDB residences which are usually bought by Singaporeans, elevated by 2.5%, quarter on quarter, the quickest acquire in five quarters. And industrial property, prices are actually double the levels of three years ago. No withholding tax in the event you sell your property. All your local information regarding vital HDB policies, condominium launches, land growth, commercial property and more

    There are various methods to go about discovering the precise property. Some local newspapers (together with the Straits Instances ) have categorised property sections and many local property brokers have websites. Now there are some specifics to consider when buying a 'new launch' rental. Intended use of the unit Every sale begins with 10 p.c low cost for finish of season sale; changes to 20 % discount storewide; follows by additional reduction of fiftyand ends with last discount of 70 % or extra. Typically there is even a warehouse sale or transferring out sale with huge mark-down of costs for stock clearance. Deborah Regulation from Expat Realtor shares her property market update, plus prime rental residences and houses at the moment available to lease Esparina EC @ Sengkang
  36. Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies
  37. Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies World's Most Perfect Gyroscopes
  38. Gravity Probe B – Extraordinary Technologies
  39. HTC Titan Specifications and Features
  40. [2], CNN Tech.
  41. 808 PureView
  42. Frank Caron (Aug 2008). Of gyroscopes and gaming: the tech behind the Wii MotionPlus, ars technica