Radiative forcing

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Template:Distinguish2 In probability theory and information theory, the Kullback–Leibler divergence[1][2][3] (also information divergence, information gain, relative entropy, or KLIC) is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions P and Q. Specifically, the Kullback–Leibler divergence of Q from P, denoted DKL(P||Q), is a measure of the information lost when Q is used to approximate P:[4] KL measures the expected number of extra bits required to code samples from P when using a code based on Q, rather than using a code based on P. Typically P represents the "true" distribution of data, observations, or a precisely calculated theoretical distribution. The measure Q typically represents a theory, model, description, or approximation of P.

Although it is often intuited as a metric or distance, the KL divergence is not a true metric — for example, it is not symmetric: the KL from P to Q is generally not the same as the KL from Q to P. However, its infinitesimal form, specifically its Hessian, is a metric tensor: it is the Fisher information metric.

KL divergence is a special case of a broader class of divergences called f-divergences. It was originally introduced by Solomon Kullback and Richard Leibler in 1951 as the directed divergence between two distributions. It can be derived from a Bregman divergence.


For discrete probability distributions P and Q, the K–L divergence of Q from P is defined to be

In words, it is the expectation of the logarithmic difference between the probabilities P and Q, where the expectation is taken using the probabilities P. The K–L divergence is only defined if P and Q both sum to 1 and if implies for all i (absolute continuity). If the quantity appears in the formula, it is interpreted as zero because .

For distributions P and Q of a continuous random variable, KL-divergence is defined to be the integral:[5]

where p and q denote the densities of P and Q.

More generally, if P and Q are probability measures over a set X, and P is absolutely continuous with respect to Q, then the Kullback–Leibler divergence from P to Q is defined as

where is the Radon–Nikodym derivative of P with respect to Q, and provided the expression on the right-hand side exists. Equivalently, this can be written as

which we recognize as the entropy of P relative to Q. Continuing in this case, if is any measure on X for which and exist, then the Kullback–Leibler divergence from P to Q is given as

The logarithms in these formulae are taken to base 2 if information is measured in units of bits, or to base e if information is measured in nats. Most formulas involving the KL divergence hold irrespective of log base.

Various conventions exist for referring to DKL(P||Q) in words. Often it is referred to as the divergence between P and Q; however this fails to convey the fundamental asymmetry in the relation. Sometimes it may be found described as the divergence of P from, or with respect to Q (often in the context of relative entropy, or information gain). However, in the present article the divergence of Q from P will be the language used, as this best relates to the idea that it is P that is considered the underlying "true" or "best guess" distribution, that expectations will be calculated with reference to, while Q is some divergent, less good, approximate distribution.


Illustration of the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence for two normal Gaussian distributions. Note the typical asymmetry for the KL divergence is clearly visible.

In information theory, the Kraft–McMillan theorem establishes that any directly decodable coding scheme for coding a message to identify one value out of a set of possibilities can be seen as representing an implicit probability distribution over , where is the length of the code for in bits. Therefore, KL divergence can be interpreted as the expected extra message-length per datum that must be communicated if a code that is optimal for a given (wrong) distribution is used, compared to using a code based on the true distribution .

where H(P,Q) is called the cross entropy of P and Q, and H(P) is the entropy of P.

Note also that there is a relation between the Kullback–Leibler divergence and the "rate function" in the theory of large deviations.[6][7]

Kullback brings together all notions of information in his historic text, Information Theory and Statistics. For instance he shows that the mean discriminating information between two hypotheses is the basis for all of the various measures of information, from Shannon to Fisher. Shannon's rate is the mean information between the hypotheses of dependence and independence of processes. Fisher's information is second order term and dominant in the Taylor approximation of the discriminating information between two models of the same parametric family.[8]

Computing the closed form

For many common families of distributions, the KL-divergence between two distributions in the family can be derived in closed form. This can often be done most easily using the form of the KL-divergence in terms of expected values or in terms of information entropy:

where is the information entropy of and is the cross entropy of and


The Kullback–Leibler divergence is always non-negative,

a result known as Gibbs' inequality, with DKL(P||Q) zero if and only if P = Q almost everywhere. The entropy H(P) thus sets a minimum value for the cross-entropy H(P,Q), the expected number of bits required when using a code based on Q rather than P; and the KL divergence therefore represents the expected number of extra bits that must be transmitted to identify a value x drawn from X, if a code is used corresponding to the probability distribution Q, rather than the "true" distribution P.

The Kullback–Leibler divergence remains well-defined for continuous distributions, and furthermore is invariant under parameter transformations. For example, if a transformation is made from variable x to variable y(x), then, since P(xdx = P(ydy and Q(xdx = Q(ydy the Kullback–Leibler divergence may be rewritten:

where and . Although it was assumed that the transformation was continuous, this need not be the case. This also shows that the Kullback–Leibler divergence produces a dimensionally consistent quantity, since if x is a dimensioned variable, P(x) and Q(x) are also dimensioned, since e.g. P(xdx is dimensionless. The argument of the logarithmic term is and remains dimensionless, as it must. It can therefore be seen as in some ways a more fundamental quantity than some other properties in information theory[9] (such as self-information or Shannon entropy), which can become undefined or negative for non-discrete probabilities.

The Kullback–Leibler divergence is additive for independent distributions in much the same way as Shannon entropy. If are independent distributions, with the joint distribution , and likewise, then

KL divergence for the normal distributions

The Kullback–Leibler divergence between two multivariate normal distributions of the dimension with the means and their corresponding nonsingular covariance matrices is:


The logarithm in the last term must be taken to base e since all terms apart from the last are base-e logarithms of expressions that are either factors of the density function or otherwise arise naturally. The equation therefore gives a result measured in nats. Dividing the entire expression above by loge 2 yields the divergence in bits.

Relation to metrics

One might be tempted to call it a "distance metric" on the space of probability distributions, but this would not be correct as the Kullback–Leibler divergence is not symmetric – that is, , – nor does it satisfy the triangle inequality. Still, being a premetric, it generates a topology on the space of generalized probability distributions, of which probability distributions proper are a special case. More concretely, if is a sequence of distributions such that

then it is said that . Pinsker's inequality entails that , where the latter stands for the usual convergence in total variation.

Following Rényi (1970, 1961)[11][12] the term is sometimes also called the information gain about X achieved if P can be used instead of Q. It is also called the relative entropy, for using Q instead of P.

Fisher information metric

However, the Kullback–Leibler divergence is rather directly related to a metric, specifically, the Fisher information metric. This can be made explicit as follows. Assume that the probability distributions P and Q are both parameterized by some (possibly multi-dimensional) parameter . Consider then two close by values of and so that the parameter differs by only a small amount of the parameter value . Specifically, up to first order one has (using the Einstein summation convention)

with a small change of in the j direction, and the corresponding rate of change in the probability distribution. Since the KL divergence has an absolute minimum 0 for P = Q, i.e. , it changes only to second order in the small parameters . More formally, as for any minimum, the first derivatives of the divergence vanish

and by the Taylor expansion one has up to second order

where the Hessian matrix of the divergence

must be positive semidefinite. Letting vary (and dropping the subindex 0) the Hessian defines a (possibly degenerate) Riemannian metric on the parameter space, called the Fisher information metric.

Relation to other quantities of information theory

Many of the other quantities of information theory can be interpreted as applications of the KL divergence to specific cases.

The self-information,

is the KL divergence of the probability distribution P(i) from a Kronecker delta representing certainty that i = m — i.e. the number of extra bits that must be transmitted to identify i if only the probability distribution P(i) is available to the receiver, not the fact that i = m.

The mutual information,

is the KL divergence of the product P(X)P(Y) of the two marginal probability distributions from the joint probability distribution P(X,Y) — i.e. the expected number of extra bits that must be transmitted to identify X and Y if they are coded using only their marginal distributions instead of the joint distribution. Equivalently, if the joint probability P(X,Y) is known, it is the expected number of extra bits that must on average be sent to identify Y if the value of X is not already known to the receiver.

The Shannon entropy,

is the number of bits which would have to be transmitted to identify X from N equally likely possibilities, less the KL divergence of the uniform distribution PU(X) from the true distribution P(X) — i.e. less the expected number of bits saved, which would have had to be sent if the value of X were coded according to the uniform distribution PU(X) rather than the true distribution P(X).

The conditional entropy,

is the number of bits which would have to be transmitted to identify X from N equally likely possibilities, less the KL divergence of the product distribution PU(X) P(Y) from the true joint distribution P(X,Y) — i.e. less the expected number of bits saved which would have had to be sent if the value of X were coded according to the uniform distribution PU(X) rather than the conditional distribution P(X | Y) of X given Y.

The cross entropy between two probability distributions measures the average number of bits needed to identify an event from a set of possibilities, if a coding scheme is used based on a given probability distribution , rather than the "true" distribution . The cross entropy for two distributions and over the same probability space is thus defined as follows:

KL divergence and Bayesian updating

In Bayesian statistics the KL divergence can be used as a measure of the information gain in moving from a prior distribution to a posterior distribution. If some new fact Y = y is discovered, it can be used to update the probability distribution for X from p(x | I) to a new posterior probability distribution p(x | y,I) using Bayes' theorem:

This distribution has a new entropy

which may be less than or greater than the original entropy H(p(· | I)). However, from the standpoint of the new probability distribution one can estimate that to have used the original code based on p(x | I) instead of a new code based on p(x | y,I) would have added an expected number of bits

to the message length. This therefore represents the amount of useful information, or information gain, about X, that we can estimate has been learned by discovering Y = y.

If a further piece of data, Y2 = y2, subsequently comes in, the probability distribution for x can be updated further, to give a new best guess p(x|y1,y2,I). If one reinvestigates the information gain for using p(x|y1,I) rather than p(x|I), it turns out that it may be either greater or less than previously estimated:

may be ≤ or > than

and so the combined information gain does not obey the triangle inequality:

may be <, = or > than

All one can say is that on average, averaging using p(y2 | y1,x,I), the two sides will average out.

Bayesian experimental design

A common goal in Bayesian experimental design is to maximise the expected KL divergence between the prior and the posterior.[13] When posteriors are approximated to be Gaussian distributions, a design maximising the expected KL divergence is called Bayes d-optimal.

Discrimination information

The Kullback–Leibler divergence DKL( p(x|H1) || p(x|H0) ) can also be interpreted as the expected discrimination information for H1 over H0: the mean information per sample for discriminating in favor of a hypothesis H1 against a hypothesis H0, when hypothesis H1 is true.[14] Another name for this quantity, given to it by I.J. Good, is the expected weight of evidence for H1 over H0 to be expected from each sample.

The expected weight of evidence for H1 over H0 is not the same as the information gain expected per sample about the probability distribution p(H) of the hypotheses,

DKL( p(x|H1) || p(x|H0) )    IG = DKL( p(H|x) || p(H|I) ).

Either of the two quantities can be used as a utility function in Bayesian experimental design, to choose an optimal next question to investigate: but they will in general lead to rather different experimental strategies.

On the entropy scale of information gain there is very little difference between near certainty and absolute certainty—coding according to a near certainty requires hardly any more bits than coding according to an absolute certainty. On the other hand, on the logit scale implied by weight of evidence, the difference between the two is enormous – infinite perhaps; this might reflect the difference between being almost sure (on a probabilistic level) that, say, the Riemann hypothesis is correct, compared to being certain that it is correct because one has a mathematical proof. These two different scales of loss function for uncertainty are both useful, according to how well each reflects the particular circumstances of the problem in question.

Principle of minimum discrimination information

The idea of Kullback–Leibler divergence as discrimination information led Kullback to propose the Principle of Minimum Discrimination Information (MDI): given new facts, a new distribution f should be chosen which is as hard to discriminate from the original distribution f0 as possible; so that the new data produces as small an information gain DKL( f || f0 ) as possible.

For example, if one had a prior distribution p(x,a) over x and a, and subsequently learnt the true distribution of a was u(a), the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the new joint distribution for x and a, q(x|a) u(a), and the earlier prior distribution would be:

i.e. the sum of the KL divergence of p(a) the prior distribution for a from the updated distribution u(a), plus the expected value (using the probability distribution u(a)) of the KL divergence of the prior conditional distribution p(x|a) from the new conditional distribution q(x|a). (Note that often the later expected value is called the conditional KL divergence (or conditional relative entropy) and denoted by DKL(q(x|a)||p(x|a))[15]) This is minimised if q(x|a) = p(x|a) over the whole support of u(a); and we note that this result incorporates Bayes' theorem, if the new distribution u(a) is in fact a δ function representing certainty that a has one particular value.

MDI can be seen as an extension of Laplace's Principle of Insufficient Reason, and the Principle of Maximum Entropy of E.T. Jaynes. In particular, it is the natural extension of the principle of maximum entropy from discrete to continuous distributions, for which Shannon entropy ceases to be so useful (see differential entropy), but the KL divergence continues to be just as relevant.

In the engineering literature, MDI is sometimes called the Principle of Minimum Cross-Entropy (MCE) or Minxent for short. Minimising the KL divergence of m from p with respect to m is equivalent to minimizing the cross-entropy of p and m, since

which is appropriate if one is trying to choose an adequate approximation to p. However, this is just as often not the task one is trying to achieve. Instead, just as often it is m that is some fixed prior reference measure, and p that one is attempting to optimise by minimising DKL(p||m) subject to some constraint. This has led to some ambiguity in the literature, with some authors attempting to resolve the inconsistency by redefining cross-entropy to be DKL(p||m), rather than H(p,m).

Relationship to available work

Pressure versus volume plot of available work from a mole of Argon gas relative to ambient, calculated as times KL divergence.

Surprisals[16] add where probabilities multiply. The surprisal for an event of probability is defined as . If is then surprisal is in nats, bits, or so that, for instance, there are bits of surprisal for landing all "heads" on a toss of coins.

Best-guess states (e.g. for atoms in a gas) are inferred by maximizing the average surprisal (entropy) for a given set of control parameters (like pressure or volume ). This constrained entropy maximization, both classically[17] and quantum mechanically,[18] minimizes Gibbs availability in entropy units[19] where is a constrained multiplicity or partition function.

When temperature is fixed, free energy () is also minimized. Thus if and number of molecules are constant, the Helmholtz free energy (where is energy) is minimized as a system "equilibrates." If and are held constant (say during processes in your body), the Gibbs free energy is minimized instead. The change in free energy under these conditions is a measure of available work that might be done in the process. Thus available work for an ideal gas at constant temperature and pressure is where and (see also Gibbs inequality).

More generally[20] the work available relative to some ambient is obtained by multiplying ambient temperature by KL-divergence or net surprisal , defined as the average value of where is the probability of a given state under ambient conditions. For instance, the work available in equilibrating a monatomic ideal gas to ambient values of and is thus , where KL-divergence . The resulting contours of constant KL-divergence, shown at right for a mole of Argon at standard temperature and pressure, for example put limits on the conversion of hot to cold as in flame-powered air-conditioning or in the unpowered device to convert boiling-water to ice-water discussed here.[21] Thus KL-divergence measures thermodynamic availability in bits.

Quantum information theory

For density matrices P and Q on a Hilbert space the K–L divergence (or quantum relative entropy as it is often called in this case) from P to Q is defined to be

In quantum information science the minimum of over all separable states Q can also be used as a measure of entanglement in the state P.

Relationship between models and reality

Just as KL-divergence of "ambient from actual" measures thermodynamic availability, KL-divergence of "model from reality" is also useful even if the only clues we have about reality are some experimental measurements. In the former case KL-divergence describes distance to equilibrium or (when multiplied by ambient temperature) the amount of available work, while in the latter case it tells you about surprises that reality has up its sleeve or, in other words, how much the model has yet to learn.

Although this tool for evaluating models against systems that are accessible experimentally may be applied in any field, its application to models in ecology via Akaike information criterion are particularly well described in papers[22] and a book[23] by Burnham and Anderson. In a nutshell the KL-divergence of a model from reality may be estimated, to within a constant additive term, by a function (like the squares summed) of the deviations observed between data and the model's predictions. Estimates of such divergence for models that share the same additive term can in turn be used to choose between models.

When trying to fit parametrized models to data there are various estimators which attempt to minimize Kullback–Leibler divergence, such as maximum likelihood and maximum spacing estimators.

Symmetrised divergence

Kullback and Leibler themselves actually defined the divergence as:

which is symmetric and nonnegative. This quantity has sometimes been used for feature selection in classification problems, where P and Q are the conditional pdfs of a feature under two different classes.

An alternative is given via the λ divergence,

which can be interpreted as the expected information gain about X from discovering which probability distribution X is drawn from, P or Q, if they currently have probabilities λ and (1 − λ) respectively.

The value λ = 0.5 gives the Jensen–Shannon divergence, defined by

where M is the average of the two distributions,

DJS can also be interpreted as the capacity of a noisy information channel with two inputs giving the output distributions p and q. The Jensen–Shannon divergence, like all f-divergences, is locally proportional to the Fisher information metric. It is similar to the Hellinger metric (in the sense that induces the same affine connection on a statistical manifold), and equal to one-half the so-called Jeffreys divergence (Rubner et al., 2000; Jeffreys 1946).

Relationship to Hellinger distance

If P and Q are two probability measures, then the squared Hellinger distance is the quantity given by

The Kullback–Leibler divergence can be lower bounded in terms of the Hellinger distance[24]

Other probability-distance measures

Other measures of probability distance are the histogram intersection, Chi-squared statistic, quadratic form distance, match distance, Kolmogorov–Smirnov distance, and earth mover's distance.[25]

Data differencing

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. Just as absolute entropy serves as theoretical background for data compression, relative entropy serves as theoretical background for data differencing – the absolute entropy of a set of data in this sense being the data required to reconstruct it (minimum compressed size), while the relative entropy of a target set of data, given a source set of data, is the data required to reconstruct the target given the source (minimum size of a patch).

See also


43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

External links

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    The data offered is for normal info purposes only and isn't supposed to be personalised investment or monetary advice. Motley Fool Singapore contributor Stanley Lim would not personal shares in any corporations talked about. Singapore private home costs increased by 1.eight% within the fourth quarter of 2012, up from 0.6% within the earlier quarter. Resale prices of government-built HDB residences which are usually bought by Singaporeans, elevated by 2.5%, quarter on quarter, the quickest acquire in five quarters. And industrial property, prices are actually double the levels of three years ago. No withholding tax in the event you sell your property. All your local information regarding vital HDB policies, condominium launches, land growth, commercial property and more

    There are various methods to go about discovering the precise property. Some local newspapers (together with the Straits Instances ) have categorised property sections and many local property brokers have websites. Now there are some specifics to consider when buying a 'new launch' rental. Intended use of the unit Every sale begins with 10 p.c low cost for finish of season sale; changes to 20 % discount storewide; follows by additional reduction of fiftyand ends with last discount of 70 % or extra. Typically there is even a warehouse sale or transferring out sale with huge mark-down of costs for stock clearance. Deborah Regulation from Expat Realtor shares her property market update, plus prime rental residences and houses at the moment available to lease Esparina EC @ Sengkang
  2. S. Kullback (1959) Information theory and statistics (John Wiley and Sons, NY).
  3. One of the biggest reasons investing in a Singapore new launch is an effective things is as a result of it is doable to be lent massive quantities of money at very low interest rates that you should utilize to purchase it. Then, if property values continue to go up, then you'll get a really high return on funding (ROI). Simply make sure you purchase one of the higher properties, reminiscent of the ones at Fernvale the Riverbank or any Singapore landed property Get Earnings by means of Renting

    In its statement, the singapore property listing - website link, government claimed that the majority citizens buying their first residence won't be hurt by the new measures. Some concessions can even be prolonged to chose teams of consumers, similar to married couples with a minimum of one Singaporean partner who are purchasing their second property so long as they intend to promote their first residential property. Lower the LTV limit on housing loans granted by monetary establishments regulated by MAS from 70% to 60% for property purchasers who are individuals with a number of outstanding housing loans on the time of the brand new housing purchase. Singapore Property Measures - 30 August 2010 The most popular seek for the number of bedrooms in Singapore is 4, followed by 2 and three. Lush Acres EC @ Sengkang

    Discover out more about real estate funding in the area, together with info on international funding incentives and property possession. Many Singaporeans have been investing in property across the causeway in recent years, attracted by comparatively low prices. However, those who need to exit their investments quickly are likely to face significant challenges when trying to sell their property – and could finally be stuck with a property they can't sell. Career improvement programmes, in-house valuation, auctions and administrative help, venture advertising and marketing, skilled talks and traisning are continuously planned for the sales associates to help them obtain better outcomes for his or her shoppers while at Knight Frank Singapore. No change Present Rules

    Extending the tax exemption would help. The exemption, which may be as a lot as $2 million per family, covers individuals who negotiate a principal reduction on their existing mortgage, sell their house short (i.e., for lower than the excellent loans), or take part in a foreclosure course of. An extension of theexemption would seem like a common-sense means to assist stabilize the housing market, but the political turmoil around the fiscal-cliff negotiations means widespread sense could not win out. Home Minority Chief Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) believes that the mortgage relief provision will be on the table during the grand-cut price talks, in response to communications director Nadeam Elshami. Buying or promoting of blue mild bulbs is unlawful.

    A vendor's stamp duty has been launched on industrial property for the primary time, at rates ranging from 5 per cent to 15 per cent. The Authorities might be trying to reassure the market that they aren't in opposition to foreigners and PRs investing in Singapore's property market. They imposed these measures because of extenuating components available in the market." The sale of new dual-key EC models will even be restricted to multi-generational households only. The models have two separate entrances, permitting grandparents, for example, to dwell separately. The vendor's stamp obligation takes effect right this moment and applies to industrial property and plots which might be offered inside three years of the date of buy. JLL named Best Performing Property Brand for second year running

    The data offered is for normal info purposes only and isn't supposed to be personalised investment or monetary advice. Motley Fool Singapore contributor Stanley Lim would not personal shares in any corporations talked about. Singapore private home costs increased by 1.eight% within the fourth quarter of 2012, up from 0.6% within the earlier quarter. Resale prices of government-built HDB residences which are usually bought by Singaporeans, elevated by 2.5%, quarter on quarter, the quickest acquire in five quarters. And industrial property, prices are actually double the levels of three years ago. No withholding tax in the event you sell your property. All your local information regarding vital HDB policies, condominium launches, land growth, commercial property and more

    There are various methods to go about discovering the precise property. Some local newspapers (together with the Straits Instances ) have categorised property sections and many local property brokers have websites. Now there are some specifics to consider when buying a 'new launch' rental. Intended use of the unit Every sale begins with 10 p.c low cost for finish of season sale; changes to 20 % discount storewide; follows by additional reduction of fiftyand ends with last discount of 70 % or extra. Typically there is even a warehouse sale or transferring out sale with huge mark-down of costs for stock clearance. Deborah Regulation from Expat Realtor shares her property market update, plus prime rental residences and houses at the moment available to lease Esparina EC @ Sengkang
  4. Kenneth P. Burnham, David R. Anderson (2002), Model Selection and Multi-Model Inference: A Practical Information-Theoretic Approach. Springer. (2nd ed), p.51
  5. C. Bishop (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. p. 55.
  6. Sanov I.N. (1957) "On the probability of large deviations of random magnitudes". Matem. Sbornik, v. 42 (84), 11–44.
  7. Novak S.Y. (2011) ch. 14.5, "Extreme value methods with applications to finance". Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4398-3574-6.
  8. Kullback(1959), Information Theory and Statistics, Dover Press. ISBN 0-486-69684-7.
  9. See the section "differential entropy - 4" in Relative Entropy video lecture by Sergio Verdú NIPS 2009
  10. Penny & Roberts, PARG-00-12, (2000) [1]. pp. 18
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  13. Chaloner K. and Verdinelli I. (1995) Bayesian Experimental Design: A Review. Statistical Science 10 (3): 273–304. [2] 21 year-old Glazier James Grippo from Edam, enjoys hang gliding, industrial property developers in singapore developers in singapore and camping. Finds the entire world an motivating place we have spent 4 months at Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.
  14. 20 year-old Real Estate Agent Rusty from Saint-Paul, has hobbies and interests which includes monopoly, property developers in singapore and poker. Will soon undertake a contiki trip that may include going to the Lower Valley of the Omo.

    My blog: http://www.primaboinca.com/view_profile.php?userid=5889534
  15. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas (1991) Elements of Information Theory (John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY), p.22
  16. Myron Tribus (1961) Thermodynamics and thermostatics (D. Van Nostrand, New York)
  17. E. T. Jaynes (1957) Information theory and statistical mechanics, Physical Review 106:620
  18. E. T. Jaynes (1957) Information theory and statistical mechanics II, Physical Review 108:171
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