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== alebo horšie. Nike Run ==
A '''cosmological horizon''' is a measure of the distance from which one could possibly retrieve information.<ref>{{cite journal
|coauthors=Margalef-Bentabol, Juan; Cepa, Jordi
|title=Evolution of the cosmological horizons in a universe with countably infinitely many state equations
|journal=Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
|date=8 February 2013
|arxiv=1302.2186}}</ref> This observable constraint is due to various properties of [[general relativity]], the [[metric expansion of space|expanding universe]], and the physics of [[Big Bang]] [[physical cosmology|cosmology]]. Cosmological horizons set the size and scale of the [[observable universe]]. This article will explain a number of these horizons. This article will report distances in units of [[kiloparsec]]s (kpc), [[megaparsec]]s (Mpc), and [[gigaparsec]]s (Gpc).

Takže od tej doby má letenku už môžeme tiež urobiť výlet z nej. Som žartom navrhol, ideme do Disneylandu (hey, ja chcem vidieť Kalifornia vánok zblízka). To je náš šiesty výlet do Štátov. Polica de Uso:? La Guia Hotel v sídle Guia de Hoteles en Brasil, žiadne eval la Calidad de los servicios prestados por los Establecimientos, la estructura en el sitio ňu lo que el hotel ofrece. Si o sebe konzultačné la Guia Hotel v sídle usted acepta los tminos de uso de este sitio. Para m Detalles Haga clic aqu? /> ... <br><br>Dry stav počasia zvíťazil v ostatných častiach štátu. Karnataka v období od marca 11 až 17 marca zaznamenali prebytok dažďové zrážky. Dôvod: bez ohľadu na to, ako dobré počasie, park je zafajčený. Frates bol diagnostikovaný s ALS marca 2012 27 rokov. Beverly, Massachusetts, rodák, hral v outfield pre Maroon a zlato od roku 2004 do 07. Kapitán jeho ročníku, on dokončil jeho BC kariéru s 107 štartmi, v priemere 0,228, 88 zobrazenie, 56 RBIs, 11 domov . <br><br>18 mesiacov, že to jednoducho brať rovnaký krok ako David Guetta je. Použitie slávnej featurings zasiahnuť. Preto, že to nie je jeho pôvodný zvuk, je to ako používať popovej spevákmi na elektronickej hudby, a to jednoducho necíti to isté. Táto kohorta tvorí kvantitatívne rámec, v ktorom sú vnorené niekoľko, väčšinou kvalitatívne, projekty študujúci preferencie a očakávania pacientov a použiteľnosť smerníc dopredu. Kohorta tiež tvorí základ pre projekt ďalej rozvíjať [ Nike Run] koncept osobné dôstojnosť na konci života. V roku 2008 získala v kariére ocenenie od holandskej organizácie pre vedecký výskum (NWO, Vici systém) pre pohľadu pacienta výskumného programu na konci životnosti starostlivosti: osobnú dôstojnosť, preferencie a účasť.. <br><br>V tomto sypký hry, môžete ponoriť hlboko do vesmíru, jesť a vyvíja, zber do malej sústa pomôcť vášmu stvorenia väčšie a zložitejšie. S vloženým dizajnom DDA (prispôsobenie Dynamic obtiažnosti), hráči s rôznym stupňom zručností môže intuitívne prispôsobiť svoj zážitok z hry a vychutnať si hru svojím vlastným tempom. Hráči môžu tiež prispôsobiť vzhľad svojich organizmov založených na hranie ... <br><br>Ale majte sa na pozore! Niektoré z nich majú legitímne príležitosti, zatiaľ čo iní sa treba vyhnúť. Podvodníci často sa z reklamy sľubujú veľké peniaze za [ Polo Ralph Lauren Praha] prácu doma. Povedala, kam sa pozerať, robiť a čo nerobiť, a ako [ Nike Free Run] veľmi sa dá odôvodnene očakávať, že robiť. <br><br>Oni sa vzali 20. Júna 1955, v hoteli The Plaza Hotel v New York [ Hollister Shop] City. Manželstvo bolo údajne zrušené v roku 1958. Záleží tiež na drogy samotnej, samozrejme. Je to už niekoľko rokov, čo som si užíval. Pri spätnom pohľade som mal pekne desivé chvíle a ja som stále ohromený som nikdy nemal predávkovania, autonehodu, alebo horšie.<ul>
==Particle horizon==
{{main|Particle horizon}}

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==Hubble horizon==

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One can define a so-called "Hubble Horizon" which shows roughly how far light would travel if space were not expanding. This size is

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:<math>\chi = c t</math>

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where <math>t</math> is the [[lookback time]] since the Big Bang (otherwise known as the [[age of the universe]]) which, according to the [[Friedmann Equations]], is:

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:<math>t = \int^{a}_{0}{\frac{da}{H_0 \sqrt{\Omega_R a^{-2} + \Omega_m a^{-1} + \Omega_k +\Omega_\Lambda a^2}}}</math>

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where <math>H_0</math> is the [[Hubble Constant]] and the <math>\Omega</math> density parameters are, in order, the density of [[radiation]], [[matter]], [[curvature]], and [[dark energy]] scaled to the [[Friedmann equations#Density parameter|critical density of the universe]].

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:<math>\chi_0 = \frac{c}{H_0}</math>,

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yielding a Hubble horizon of some 4.2 Gpc. This horizon is not really a physical size, but it is often used as useful length scale as most physical sizes in cosmology can be written in terms of those factors.

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==Event horizon==
{{main|Event Horizon}}
The particle horizon differs from the cosmic [[event horizon]], in that the particle horizon represents the largest comoving distance from which light could have reached the observer by a specific time, while the event horizon is the largest comoving distance from which light emitted now can ''ever'' reach the observer in the future.<ref>Lars Bergström and Ariel Goobar: "Cosmology and Particle Physics", ''WILEY'' (1999), page 65.ISBN 0-471-97041-7</ref> At present, this cosmic event horizon is thought to be at a comoving distance of about 46.6 billion light years.<ref>[ Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology]. Retrieved on 2011-05-01.</ref><ref name=ly93>{{cite web|last = Lineweaver|first = Charles|coauthors = Tamara M. Davis|year = 2005|url =|title = Misconceptions about the Big Bang|publisher = Scientific American|accessdate = 2008-11-06}}</ref>
In general, the proper distance to the event horizon at time <math>t</math> is given by<ref name="Giovannini">{{cite book|author=Massimo Giovannini|title=A primer on the physics of the cosmic microwave background|url=|accessdate=1 May 2011|year=2008|publisher=World Scientific|isbn=978-981-279-142-9|pages=70–}}</ref>
:<math>d_e(t) = a(t) \int_{t}^{t_{max}} \frac{cdt'}{a(t')}</math>
where <math>t_{max}</math> is the time-coordinate of the end of the universe, which would be infinite in the case of a universe that expands forever.
For our case, assuming that [[dark energy]] is due to a [[cosmological constant]], <math>d_e(t_0) \rightarrow \infin</math>.
==Future horizon==
In an [[accelerating universe]], there are events which will be unobservable as <math>t \rightarrow \infin</math> as signals from future events become [[redshift]]ed to arbitrarily long wavelengths in the exponentially expanding [[de Sitter space]]. This sets a limit on the farthest distance that we can possibly see as measured in units of proper distance today. Or, more precisely, there are events that are [[spacelike|spatially separated]] for a certain frame of reference happening [[simultaneity|simultaneously]] with the event occurring right now for which no signal will ever reach us, even though we can observe events that occurred [[timelike|at the same location in space that happened in the distant past]]. While we will continue to receive signals from this location in space, even if we wait an infinite amount of time, a signal that left from that location today will never reach us. Additionally, the signals coming from that location will have less and less energy and be less and less frequent until the location, for all practical purposes, becomes unobservable. In a universe that is dominated by [[dark energy]] which is undergoing an exponential expansion of the [[cosmic scale factor|scale factor]], all objects that are [[Virial theorem#In astrophysics|gravitationally unbound]] with respect to the Milky Way will become unobservable, in a futuristic version of [[Kapteyn's Universe]].<ref></ref>
==Practical horizons==
While not technically "horizons" in the sense of an impossibility for observations due to relativity or cosmological solutions, there are practical horizons which include the optical horizon, set at the [[surface of last scattering]]. This is the farthest distance that any photon can freely stream. Similarly, there is a "neutrino horizon" set for the [[cosmic neutrino background|farthest distance a neutrino can freely stream]] and a gravitational wave horizon at the farthest distance that [[gravitational wave background|gravitational waves can freely stream]]. The latter is predicted to be a direct probe of the end of [[cosmic inflation]].
[[Category:Physical cosmology]]

Revision as of 22:38, 22 August 2013

A cosmological horizon is a measure of the distance from which one could possibly retrieve information.[1] This observable constraint is due to various properties of general relativity, the expanding universe, and the physics of Big Bang cosmology. Cosmological horizons set the size and scale of the observable universe. This article will explain a number of these horizons. This article will report distances in units of kiloparsecs (kpc), megaparsecs (Mpc), and gigaparsecs (Gpc).

Particle horizon

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church.

Hubble horizon

One can define a so-called "Hubble Horizon" which shows roughly how far light would travel if space were not expanding. This size is

where is the lookback time since the Big Bang (otherwise known as the age of the universe) which, according to the Friedmann Equations, is:

where is the Hubble Constant and the density parameters are, in order, the density of radiation, matter, curvature, and dark energy scaled to the critical density of the universe.

Today, roughly:


yielding a Hubble horizon of some 4.2 Gpc. This horizon is not really a physical size, but it is often used as useful length scale as most physical sizes in cosmology can be written in terms of those factors.

Event horizon

Mining Engineer (Excluding Oil ) Truman from Alma, loves to spend time knotting, largest property developers in singapore developers in singapore and stamp collecting. Recently had a family visit to Urnes Stave Church. The particle horizon differs from the cosmic event horizon, in that the particle horizon represents the largest comoving distance from which light could have reached the observer by a specific time, while the event horizon is the largest comoving distance from which light emitted now can ever reach the observer in the future.[2] At present, this cosmic event horizon is thought to be at a comoving distance of about 46.6 billion light years.[3][4]

In general, the proper distance to the event horizon at time  is given by[5]

where is the time-coordinate of the end of the universe, which would be infinite in the case of a universe that expands forever.

For our case, assuming that dark energy is due to a cosmological constant, .

Future horizon

In an accelerating universe, there are events which will be unobservable as as signals from future events become redshifted to arbitrarily long wavelengths in the exponentially expanding de Sitter space. This sets a limit on the farthest distance that we can possibly see as measured in units of proper distance today. Or, more precisely, there are events that are spatially separated for a certain frame of reference happening simultaneously with the event occurring right now for which no signal will ever reach us, even though we can observe events that occurred at the same location in space that happened in the distant past. While we will continue to receive signals from this location in space, even if we wait an infinite amount of time, a signal that left from that location today will never reach us. Additionally, the signals coming from that location will have less and less energy and be less and less frequent until the location, for all practical purposes, becomes unobservable. In a universe that is dominated by dark energy which is undergoing an exponential expansion of the scale factor, all objects that are gravitationally unbound with respect to the Milky Way will become unobservable, in a futuristic version of Kapteyn's Universe.[6]

Practical horizons

While not technically "horizons" in the sense of an impossibility for observations due to relativity or cosmological solutions, there are practical horizons which include the optical horizon, set at the surface of last scattering. This is the farthest distance that any photon can freely stream. Similarly, there is a "neutrino horizon" set for the farthest distance a neutrino can freely stream and a gravitational wave horizon at the farthest distance that gravitational waves can freely stream. The latter is predicted to be a direct probe of the end of cosmic inflation.


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  2. Lars Bergström and Ariel Goobar: "Cosmology and Particle Physics", WILEY (1999), page 65.ISBN 0-471-97041-7
  3. Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology. Retrieved on 2011-05-01.
  4. Template:Cite web
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