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In mathematical physics, a '''Berezin integral''', named after [[Felix Berezin]], (or '''Grassmann integral''', after [[Hermann Grassmann]]) is a way to define [[integral|integration]] of elements of the [[exterior algebra]] (Hermann Grassmann 1844). It is called integral because it is used in physics as a sum over histories for [[fermion]]s, an extension of the [[Functional integration|path integral]].
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==Integration on an exterior algebra==
Let <math>\Lambda^n</math> be the exterior algebra of polynomials in anticommuting elements <math>\theta_{1},\dots,\theta_{n}</math> over the field of complex numbers. (The ordering of the generators <math>\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n</math> is fixed and defines the orientation of the exterior algebra.) The '''Berezin integral''' on <math>\Lambda^{n}</math> is the linear functional <math>\int_{\Lambda^{n} }\cdot\textrm{d}\theta</math> with the following properties:
:<math>\int_{\Lambda^n}\frac{\partial f}{\partial\theta_{i}}\,\mathrm{d}\theta=0,\ i=1,\dots,n</math>
for any <math>f\in\Lambda^n,</math> where <math>\partial/\partial\theta_{i}</math> means the left or the right partial derivative. These properties define the integral uniquely. The formula
:<math>\int_{\Lambda^n}f\left( \theta\right) \, \mathrm{d}\theta=\int_{\Lambda^1}\left(  \cdots \int_{\Lambda^1}\left(  \int_{\Lambda^1}f\left(\theta\right) \, \mathrm{d}\theta_{1}\right) \, \mathrm{d}\theta_2 \cdots \right)\mathrm{d}\theta_n</math>
expresses the Fubini law. On the right-hand side, the interior integral of a monomial <math>f=g\left(  \theta^{\prime}\right)  \theta_{1}</math> is set to be <math>g\left(  \theta^{\prime}\right)  ,\ </math> where <math>\theta^{\prime}=\left(\theta_{2},...,\theta_{n}\right)</math>; the integral of <math>f=g\left( \theta^{\prime}\right)  </math> vanishes. The integral with respect to <math>\theta_{2}</math> is calculated in the similar way and so on.
==Change of Grassmann variables==
Let <math>\theta_{i}=\theta_{i}\left( \xi_{1},...,\xi_{n}\right)  ,\ i=1,...,n,</math> be odd polynomials in some antisymmetric variables <math>\xi_{1},...,\xi_{n}</math>. The Jacobian is the matrix
:<math>D=\left\{  \frac{\partial\theta_{i}}{\partial\xi_{j}},\ i,j=1,...,n\right\},</math>
where the left and the right derivatives coincide and are even polynomials. The formula for the coordinate change reads
:<math>\int f\left(  \theta\right)  \mathrm{d}\theta=\int f\left(  \theta\left( \xi\right)  \right)  \left(  \det D\right)  ^{-1}\mathrm{d}\xi.</math>
==Berezin integral==
Consider now the algebra <math>\Lambda^{m\mid n}</math> of functions of real commuting variables <math>x=x_{1},...,x_{m}</math> and of anticommuting variables <math>\theta_{1},...,\theta_{n}</math> (which is called the free superalgebra of dimension <math>\left(  m\mid n\right)  </math>). This means that an element <math>f=f\left(x,\theta\right)  \in\Lambda^{m\mid n}</math> is a function of the argument <math>x</math> that varies in an open set <math>X\subset\mathbb{R}^{m}</math> with values in the algebra <math>\Lambda^{n}.</math> Suppose that this function is continuous<math>\ </math>and vanishes in the complement of a compact set <math>K\subset\mathbb{R}^{m}.</math> The Berezin integral is the number
:<math>\int_{\Lambda^{m\mid n}}f\left(  x,\theta\right)  \mathrm{d}\theta \mathrm{d}x=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{m}}\mathrm{d}x\int_{\Lambda^{n}}f\left( x,\theta\right)  \mathrm{d}\theta.</math>
==Change of even and odd variables==
Let a coordinate transformation be given by <math>x_{i}=x_{i}\left(  y,\xi\right) ,\ i=1,...,m;\ \theta_{j}=\theta_{j}\left(  y,\xi\right)  ,j=1,...,n</math>, where <math>x_{i},y_{i}</math> are even and <math>\theta_{j},\xi_{j}</math> are odd polynomials of <math>\xi</math> depending on even variables <math>y.</math> The Jacobian matrix of this transformation has the block form:
:<math>\mathrm{J}=\frac{\partial\left(  x,\theta\right)  }{\partial\left(y,\xi\right)  }=\left(\begin{array}[c]{cc}
A & B\\ C & D\end{array}\right)  ,</math>
where each even derivative <math>\partial/\partial y_{j}</math> commutes with all elements of the algebra <math>\Lambda^{m\mid n}</math>; the odd derivatives commute with even elements and anticommute with odd elements. The entries of the diagonal blocks <math>A=\partial x/\partial y</math> and <math>D=\partial\theta/\partial\xi</math> are even and the entries of the offdiagonal blocks <math>B=\partial x/\partial \xi,\ C=\partial\theta/\partial y</math> are odd functions, where <math>\partial /\partial\xi_{j}</math> mean right derivatives. The '''Berezinian''' (or the '''superdeterminant''') of the matrix <math>\mathrm{J}</math> is the even function
:<math>\mathrm{Ber~J}=\det\left(  A-BD^{-1}C\right)  \det D^{-1}</math>
defined when the function <math>\det D</math> is invertible in <math>\Lambda^{m\mid n}.</math> Suppose that the real functions <math>x_{i}=x_{i}\left(  y,0\right)  </math> define a smooth invertible map <math>F:Y\rightarrow X</math> of open sets <math>X,\ Y</math> in <math>\mathbb{R}^{m}</math> and the linear part of the map <math>\xi\mapsto\theta=\theta\left(y,\xi\right)  </math> is invertible for each <math>y\in Y.</math> The general transformation law for the Berezin integral reads
:<math>\int_{\Lambda^{m\mid n}}f\left(  x,\theta\right)  \mathrm{d}\theta\mathrm{d}x=\int_{\Lambda^{m\mid n}}f\left(  x\left(  y,\xi\right)
,\theta\left(  y,\xi\right)  \right)  \varepsilon\mathrm{Ber~J~d}\xi\mathrm{d}y</math>
:<math>=\int_{\Lambda^{m\mid n}}f\left(  x\left(  y,\xi\right)  ,\theta\left(y,\xi\right)  \right)  \varepsilon\frac{\det\left(  A-BD^{-1}C\right)  }{\det D}\mathrm{d}\xi\mathrm{d}y,</math>
where <math>\varepsilon=\mathrm{sgn~\det}\partial x\left(  y,0\right)  /\partial y</math> is the sign of the orientation of the map <math>F.</math> The superposition <math>f\left( x\left(  y,\xi\right)  ,\theta\left(  y,\xi\right)  \right)  </math> is defined in the obvious way, if the functions <math>x_{i}\left(  y,\xi\right)  </math> do not depend on <math>\xi.</math> In the general case, we write <math>x_{i}\left(  y,\xi\right) =x_{i}\left(  y,0\right)  +\delta_{i},</math> where <math>\delta_{i},\ i=1,...,m</math> are even nilpotent elements of <math>\Lambda^{m\mid n}</math> and set
:<math>f\left(  x\left(  y,\xi\right)  ,\theta\right)  =f\left(  x\left(y,0\right)  ,\theta\right)  +\sum_i\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_{i}}\left(x\left(  y,0\right)  ,\theta\right)  \delta_{i}+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j}\frac{\partial^{2}f}{\partial x_{i}\partial x_{j}}\left(  x\left(  y,0\right),\theta\right)  \delta_{i}\delta_{j}+...,</math>
where the Taylor series is finite.
The mathematical theory of the integral with commuting and anticommuting variables was invented and developed by [[Felix Berezin]]. Some important earlier insights were made by [[David John Candlin]]. Other authors contributed to these developments, including the physicists Khalatnikov [3] (although his paper contains mistakes), Matthews and Salam [4], and Martin [6].
==See also==
* [[Grassmann integral]]
* [[Supermanifold]]
* [[Berezinian]]
[1] F.A. Berezin, The Method of Second Quantization, Academic Press, (1966)
[2] F.A. Berezin, Introduction to superanalysis. D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, 1987. xii+424 pp. ISBN 90-277-1668-4.
[3] I.M. Khalatnikov (1954), "Predstavlenie funkzij Grina v kvantovoj elektrodinamike v forme kontinualjnyh integralov" (Russian). JETP, 28, 635.
[4] P.T. Matthews, A. Salam (1955), "Propagators of quantized field". Nuovo Cimento 2, 120.
[5] D.J. Candlin (1956)."On Sums over Trajectories for Systems With Fermi Statistics". Nuovo Cimento 4:231. {{doi|10.1007/BF02745446}}.
[6] J.L. Martin (1959), "The Feynman principle for a Fermi System". Proc. Roy. Soc. A 251, 543.
[[Category:Multilinear algebra]]
[[Category:Differential forms]]
[[Category:Integral calculus]]
[[Category:Mathematical physics]]
[[Category:Quantum field theory]]
[[Category:Quantum electrodynamics]]

Latest revision as of 14:32, 21 July 2014

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