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Andera is what you can contact her but she never truly favored that name. Since he was 18 he's been working as an information officer but he plans on changing it. To perform lacross is 1 of the things she enjoys most. I've always cherished living in Alaska.<br><br>my site :: phone psychic readings ([])
In [[cryptography]], the '''Merkle–Damgård construction''' or '''Merkle–Damgård hash function''' is a method of building [[Collision resistance|collision-resistant]] [[cryptographic hash function]]s from collision-resistant [[one-way compression function]]s.<ref name=GoldwasserBellare>[[Shafi Goldwasser|Goldwasser, S.]] and [[Mihir Bellare|Bellare, M.]] [ "Lecture Notes on Cryptography"]. Summer course on cryptography, MIT, 1996-2001</ref>{{rp|145}} This construction was used in the design of many popular hash algorithms such as [[MD5]], [[SHA1]] and [[SHA2]].
The Merkle–Damgård construction was described in Ralph Merkle's [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] [[thesis]] in 1979.<ref>[[Ralph Merkle|R.C. Merkle]]. [ ''Secrecy, authentication, and public key systems.''] Stanford Ph.D. thesis 1979, pages 13-15.</ref> [[Ralph Merkle]] and [[Ivan Damgård]] independently proved that the structure is sound: that is, if an appropriate [[Padding (cryptography)|padding scheme]] is used and the compression function is [[Collision resistance|collision-resistant]], then the hash function will also be collision resistant.<ref>[[Ralph Merkle|R.C. Merkle]]. ''A Certified Digital Signature''. In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '89 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 435, G. Brassard, ed, Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 218-238.</ref><ref>[[Ivan Damgård|I. Damgård]]. ''A Design Principle for Hash Functions''. In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '89 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 435, G. Brassard, ed, Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 416-427.</ref>
The Merkle–Damgård hash function first applies an [[#MD-compliant_padding|MD-compliant padding]] function to create an output whose size is a multiple of a fixed number (e.g. 512 or 1024) — this is because compression functions cannot handle inputs of arbitrary size. The hash function then breaks the result into blocks of fixed size, and processes them one at a time with the compression function, each time combining a block of the input with the output of the previous round.<ref name=GoldwasserBellare />{{rp|146}} In order to make the construction secure, Merkle and Damgård proposed that messages be padded with a padding that encodes the length of the original message. This is called ''length padding'' or '''Merkle–Damgård strengthening'''.
[[Image:Merkle-Damgard hash big.svg|thumb|400px|right|Merkle–Damgård hash construction]]
In the diagram, the one-way compression function is denoted by ''f'', and transforms two fixed length inputs to an output of the same size as one of the inputs. The algorithm starts with an initial value, the [[initialization vector]] (IV). The IV is a fixed value (algorithm or implementation specific). For each message block, the compression (or compacting) function ''f'' takes the result so far, combines it with the message block, and produces an intermediate result. The last block is padded with zeros as needed and bits representing the length of the entire message are appended. (See below for a detailed length padding example.)
To harden the hash further the last result is then sometimes fed through a ''finalisation function''. The finalisation function can have several purposes such as compressing a bigger internal state (the last result) into a smaller output hash size or to guarantee a better mixing and [[avalanche effect]] on the bits in the hash sum. The finalisation function is often built by using the compression function{{citation needed|date=January 2011}} (Note that in some documents instead the act of length padding is called "finalisation".).
== Security characteristics ==
The popularity of this construction is due to the fact, proven by [[Ralph Merkle|Merkle]] and [[Ivan Damgård|Damgård]], that if the one-way compression function ''f'' is [[Collision resistance|collision resistant]], then so is the hash function constructed using it. Unfortunately, this construction also has several undesirable properties:
* [[Length extension attack|Length extension]]&nbsp;— once an attacker has one collision, he can find more very cheaply.
* Second [[preimage attack]]s against long messages are always much more efficient than brute force.
* Multicollisions (many messages with the same hash) can be found with only a little more work than collisions.<ref>Antoine Joux. ''Multicollisions in iterated hash functions. Application to cascaded construction.'' In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '04 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3152, M. Franklin, ed, Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 306–316.</ref>
* "<abbr title='also known as "Nostradamus attack"'>Herding attack</abbr>s" (first committing to an output h, then mapping messages with arbitrary starting values to h) are possible for more work than finding a collision, but much less than would be expected to do this for a [[random oracle]].<ref>John Kelsey and Tadayoshi Kohno. ''Herding Hash Functions and the Nostradamus Attack'' In Eurocrypt 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4004, pp. 183–200.</ref><ref>{{cite web
|date=2007-11-30|work=The HashClash Project|publisher=[[Eindhoven University of Technology|TU/e]]
|last2=Lenstra|first2=Arjen|authorlink2=Arjen Lenstra
|last3=de Weger|first3=Benne|accessdate=2013-03-30}}</ref>
* "Extension attacks": Given the hash ''H(X)'' of an unknown input ''X'', it is easy to find the value of ''H(pad(X) || Y)'', where ''pad'' is the padding function of the hash. That is, it is possible to find hashes of inputs related to ''X'' even though ''X'' remains unknown.<ref>Yevgeniy Dodis, Thomas Ristenpart, Thomas Shrimpton. ''Salvaging Merkle–Damgård for Practical Applications''. Preliminary version in Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT '09 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5479, A. Joux, ed, Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 371–388.</ref> A random oracle would not have this property, and this may lead to simple attacks even for ''natural'' schemes proven secure in the random oracle model.<ref>J.S. Coron, Y. Dodis, C. Malinaud, and P. Puniya. ''Merkle–Damgård Revisited: How to Construct a Hash Function.'' Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO '05 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3621, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 21–39.</ref> Length extension attack was actually used to attack a number of commercial web message authentication schemes such as one used by [[Flickr]].<ref>Thai Duong, Juliano Rizzo, [ Flickr's API Signature Forgery Vulnerability], 2009</ref>
== Wide pipe construction ==
[[Image:WidePipeHashFunction.png|thumb|400px|right|The Wide pipe hash construction. The intermediate chaining values have been doubled.]]
Due to several structural weaknesses of Merkle–Damgård construction, especially the length extension problem and multicollision attacks, Stefan Lucks proposed the use of the wide-pipe hash<ref>S. Lucks, ''Design Principles for Iterated Hash Functions'', In: Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2004/253, 2004.</ref> instead of Merkle–Damgård construction. The wide-pipe hash is very similar to the Merkle–Damgård construction but has a larger internal state size, meaning that the bit-length that is internally used is larger than the output bit-length. If a hash of ''n'' bit is desired, the compression function ''f'' takes ''2n'' bit of chaining value and ''m'' bit of the message and compresses this to an output of ''2n'' bit.
Therefore, in final step a second compression function compresses the last internal hash value (''2n'' bit) to the final hash value (''n'' bit). This can be done as simply as to discard half of the last ''2n''-bit-output. SHA-224 and SHA-384 take this form since they are derived from SHA-256 and SHA-512, respectively.
== Fast wide pipe construction ==
[[Image:FastWidePipeHashFunction.png|thumb|400px|right|The Fast wide pipe hash construction. Half of chaining value is used in the compression function.]]
It has been demonstrated by Mridul Nandi and [[Souradyuti Paul]] that the Widepipe hash function can be made approximately twice faster, if the widepipe state can be divided in half in the following manner: one half is inputted to the succeeding compression function when the other half is combined with the output of that compression function.<ref name="NP10">Mridul Nandi and Souradyuti Paul. Speeding Up the Widepipe: Secure and Fast Hashing. In Guang Gong and Kishan Gupta, editor, Indocrypt 2010, Springer, 2010.</ref>
The main idea of the hash construction is to feed-forward half of the previous chaining value to XOR it to the output of the compression function. In so doing the construction takes in longer messageblock every iteration than original widepipe. Using the same function ''f'' as before, it takes ''n'' bit chaining value and ''n+m'' bit of the message. However, the price to pay is the extra memory used in the construction for feed-forward.
==MD-compliant padding==
As mentioned in the introduction, the padding scheme used in the Merkle–Damgård construction must be chosen carefully to ensure the security of the scheme. [[Mihir Bellare]] gives sufficient conditions for a padding scheme to possess to ensure that the MD construction is secure: the scheme must be "MD-compliant" (the original length-padding scheme used by Merkle is an example of MD-compliant padding).<ref name=GoldwasserBellare />{{rp|145}} Conditions:
*<math>M</math> is a prefix of <math>\mathsf{Pad}(M).</math>
*If <math>|M_{1}| = |M_{2}|</math> then <math>|\mathsf{Pad}(M_{1})| = |\mathsf{Pad}(M_{2})|.</math>
*If <math>|M_{1}| \neq |M_{2}|</math> then the last block of <math>\mathsf{Pad}(M_{1})</math> is different from the last block of <math>\mathsf{Pad}(M_{2}).</math>
With these conditions in place, we find a collision in the MD hash function ''exactly when'' we find a collision in the underlying compression function. Therefore, the Merkle–Damgård construction is provably secure when the underlying compression function is secure.<ref name=GoldwasserBellare />{{rp|147}}
== Length padding example ==
To be able to feed the message to the compression function, the last block needs to be padded with constant data (generally with zeroes) to a full block.
: ''For example, let's say the message to be hashed is "HashInput" and the block size of the compression function is 8 bytes (64 bits). So we get two blocks looking like this:''
: <tt>HashInpu  t0000000</tt>
But this is not enough since it would mean that distinct messages starting by the same data and terminated by zero or more bytes from the padding constant data would get fed into the reduction function using exactly the same blocks, producing the same final hash sum.
: ''In our example, for instance, the modified message "HashInput00" would generate the same blocks as the original message "HashInput".''
To prevent this, the first bit of the padded constant data must be changed. As the constant padding is generally made of zeroes, the first padding bit will be mandatorily changed into "1".
: ''In our example, we get something like this:''
: <tt>HashInpu  t1000000</tt>
To harden the hash even further also, the length of the message can be added in an extra block.
: ''So in our example, we would get three blocks like this:''
: <tt>HashInpu  t1000000  00000009</tt>
To avoid ambiguity, the message length value must be itself resistant to length extensions. Most common implementations use a fixed bit-size (generally 64 or 128 bits in modern algorithms) and a fixed position at end of the last block for encoding the message length value.
Now that is a bit wasteful since it means hashing one full extra block for the length value. So there is a slight speed optimisation that most hash algorithms use. If there is space enough among the zeros padded to the last block the length value can instead be padded there.
: ''Let's say here that, in our example the length value is encoded on 5 bytes (40 bits), thus it gets padded in the final block as "00009", not just "9" or with too many unnecessary zeroes. Like this:''
: <tt>HashInpu  t1000009</tt>
== References ==
* ''[ Handbook of Applied Cryptography]'' by Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone (2001), chapter 9.
* ''[ Introduction to Modern Cryptography]'', by Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, August 2007, page 134 (construction 4.13).
{{Cryptography navbox | hash}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Merkle-Damgard Construction}}
[[Category:Cryptographic hash functions]]

Revision as of 20:37, 11 January 2014

In cryptography, the Merkle–Damgård construction or Merkle–Damgård hash function is a method of building collision-resistant cryptographic hash functions from collision-resistant one-way compression functions.[1]Primarily based on the most recent URA personal property value index (PPPI) flash estimates, we know that the PPPI, which represents the overall real property price development, has dipped in 2013Q4. That is the first dip the market has seen within the final 2 years.

To give you some perspective, the entire number of personal properties in Singapore (together with govt condominiums) is 297,689 in 2013Q3. Primarily based on the projection that there will be 19,302 units accomplished in 2014, the rise in residential models works out to be more than 6%. With a lot New Ec Launch Singapore provide, buyers might be spoilt for alternative and this in flip will lead to their reluctance to pay a premium for potential models. The complete textual content of the Copyright Act (Cap sixty three) and different statutes regarding IPR might be found on the Singapore Statutes Online Website online The Group's income jumped forty.1 p.c to $324.5 million from $231.6 million in FY 2013, lifted by increased development income and sales of growth properties in Singapore and China. Actual Estate Shopping for

One factor we've on this nation is a big group of "economists," and "market analysts." What's interesting about this group of real property market-watchers is that there are two very other ways wherein they predict Boomers will affect housing markets over the subsequent decade. Let's check out those two opposites and see how every can change the best way real property investors strategy their markets. The good news is that actual property buyers are prepared for either state of affairs, and there's profit in being ready. I'm excited and searching ahead to the alternatives both or each of these conditions will supply; thank you Boomers! Mapletree to further broaden past Asia Why fortune will favour the brave in Asia's closing real property frontier

The story of the 23.2 home begins with a stack of Douglas fir beams salvaged from varied demolished warehouses owned by the consumer's household for a number of generations. Design and structure innovator Omer Arbel, configured them to type a triangulated roof, which makes up one of the placing features of the home. The transient from the entrepreneur-proprietor was not solely to design a house that integrates antique wood beams, however one which erases the excellence between inside and exterior. Built on a gentle slope on a large rural acreage surrounded by two masses of previous-development forests, the indoors movement seamlessly to the outdoors and, from the within looking, one enjoys unobstructed views of the existing natural panorama which is preserved

First, there are typically extra rental transactions than gross sales transactions, to permit AV to be decided for each property primarily based on comparable properties. Second, movements in sale costs are more unstable than leases. Hence, utilizing rental transactions to derive the AV helps to maintain property tax more steady for property homeowners. If you're buying or trying to lease a property. It's tiring to call up individual property agent, organize appointments, coordinate timing and to go for particular person property viewing. What most individuals do is to have a property agent representing them who will arrange and coordinate the viewings for all the properties out there based mostly on your necessities & most well-liked timing. Rent Property District 12 Rent Property District thirteen

The Annual Worth of a property is mostly derived based mostly on the estimated annual hire that it may well fetch if it have been rented out. In determining the Annual Worth of a property, IRAS will think about the leases of similar properties within the vicinity, dimension and condition of the property, and different relevant components. The Annual Worth of a property is determined in the identical method regardless of whether the property is let-out, proprietor-occupied or vacant. The Annual Worth of land is determined at 5% of the market price of the land. When a constructing is demolished, the Annual Worth of the land is assessed by this method. Property Tax on Residential Properties Buyer Stamp Responsibility on Buy of Properties – Business and residential properties Rent House District 01

Within the event the Bank's valuation is decrease than the acquisition price, the purchaser has to pay the distinction between the purchase value and the Bank's valuation utilizing money. As such, the money required up-front might be increased so it's at all times essential to know the valuation of the property before making any offer. Appoint Lawyer The Bank will prepare for a proper valuation of the property by way of physical inspection The completion statement will present you the balance of the acquisition price that you must pay after deducting any deposit, pro-rated property tax and utility costs, upkeep prices, and different relevant expenses in addition to any fees payable to the agent and the lawyer. Stamp Responsibility Primarily based on the Purchase Price or Market Value, whichever is larger This construction was used in the design of many popular hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1 and SHA2.

The Merkle–Damgård construction was described in Ralph Merkle's Ph.D. thesis in 1979.[2] Ralph Merkle and Ivan Damgård independently proved that the structure is sound: that is, if an appropriate padding scheme is used and the compression function is collision-resistant, then the hash function will also be collision resistant.[3][4]

The Merkle–Damgård hash function first applies an MD-compliant padding function to create an output whose size is a multiple of a fixed number (e.g. 512 or 1024) — this is because compression functions cannot handle inputs of arbitrary size. The hash function then breaks the result into blocks of fixed size, and processes them one at a time with the compression function, each time combining a block of the input with the output of the previous round.[1]Primarily based on the most recent URA personal property value index (PPPI) flash estimates, we know that the PPPI, which represents the overall real property price development, has dipped in 2013Q4. That is the first dip the market has seen within the final 2 years.

To give you some perspective, the entire number of personal properties in Singapore (together with govt condominiums) is 297,689 in 2013Q3. Primarily based on the projection that there will be 19,302 units accomplished in 2014, the rise in residential models works out to be more than 6%. With a lot New Ec Launch Singapore provide, buyers might be spoilt for alternative and this in flip will lead to their reluctance to pay a premium for potential models. The complete textual content of the Copyright Act (Cap sixty three) and different statutes regarding IPR might be found on the Singapore Statutes Online Website online The Group's income jumped forty.1 p.c to $324.5 million from $231.6 million in FY 2013, lifted by increased development income and sales of growth properties in Singapore and China. Actual Estate Shopping for

One factor we've on this nation is a big group of "economists," and "market analysts." What's interesting about this group of real property market-watchers is that there are two very other ways wherein they predict Boomers will affect housing markets over the subsequent decade. Let's check out those two opposites and see how every can change the best way real property investors strategy their markets. The good news is that actual property buyers are prepared for either state of affairs, and there's profit in being ready. I'm excited and searching ahead to the alternatives both or each of these conditions will supply; thank you Boomers! Mapletree to further broaden past Asia Why fortune will favour the brave in Asia's closing real property frontier

The story of the 23.2 home begins with a stack of Douglas fir beams salvaged from varied demolished warehouses owned by the consumer's household for a number of generations. Design and structure innovator Omer Arbel, configured them to type a triangulated roof, which makes up one of the placing features of the home. The transient from the entrepreneur-proprietor was not solely to design a house that integrates antique wood beams, however one which erases the excellence between inside and exterior. Built on a gentle slope on a large rural acreage surrounded by two masses of previous-development forests, the indoors movement seamlessly to the outdoors and, from the within looking, one enjoys unobstructed views of the existing natural panorama which is preserved

First, there are typically extra rental transactions than gross sales transactions, to permit AV to be decided for each property primarily based on comparable properties. Second, movements in sale costs are more unstable than leases. Hence, utilizing rental transactions to derive the AV helps to maintain property tax more steady for property homeowners. If you're buying or trying to lease a property. It's tiring to call up individual property agent, organize appointments, coordinate timing and to go for particular person property viewing. What most individuals do is to have a property agent representing them who will arrange and coordinate the viewings for all the properties out there based mostly on your necessities & most well-liked timing. Rent Property District 12 Rent Property District thirteen

The Annual Worth of a property is mostly derived based mostly on the estimated annual hire that it may well fetch if it have been rented out. In determining the Annual Worth of a property, IRAS will think about the leases of similar properties within the vicinity, dimension and condition of the property, and different relevant components. The Annual Worth of a property is determined in the identical method regardless of whether the property is let-out, proprietor-occupied or vacant. The Annual Worth of land is determined at 5% of the market price of the land. When a constructing is demolished, the Annual Worth of the land is assessed by this method. Property Tax on Residential Properties Buyer Stamp Responsibility on Buy of Properties – Business and residential properties Rent House District 01

Within the event the Bank's valuation is decrease than the acquisition price, the purchaser has to pay the distinction between the purchase value and the Bank's valuation utilizing money. As such, the money required up-front might be increased so it's at all times essential to know the valuation of the property before making any offer. Appoint Lawyer The Bank will prepare for a proper valuation of the property by way of physical inspection The completion statement will present you the balance of the acquisition price that you must pay after deducting any deposit, pro-rated property tax and utility costs, upkeep prices, and different relevant expenses in addition to any fees payable to the agent and the lawyer. Stamp Responsibility Primarily based on the Purchase Price or Market Value, whichever is larger In order to make the construction secure, Merkle and Damgård proposed that messages be padded with a padding that encodes the length of the original message. This is called length padding or Merkle–Damgård strengthening.

Merkle–Damgård hash construction

In the diagram, the one-way compression function is denoted by f, and transforms two fixed length inputs to an output of the same size as one of the inputs. The algorithm starts with an initial value, the initialization vector (IV). The IV is a fixed value (algorithm or implementation specific). For each message block, the compression (or compacting) function f takes the result so far, combines it with the message block, and produces an intermediate result. The last block is padded with zeros as needed and bits representing the length of the entire message are appended. (See below for a detailed length padding example.)

To harden the hash further the last result is then sometimes fed through a finalisation function. The finalisation function can have several purposes such as compressing a bigger internal state (the last result) into a smaller output hash size or to guarantee a better mixing and avalanche effect on the bits in the hash sum. The finalisation function is often built by using the compression functionPotter or Ceramic Artist Truman Bedell from Rexton, has interests which include ceramics, best property developers in singapore developers in singapore and scrabble. Was especially enthused after visiting Alejandro de Humboldt National Park. (Note that in some documents instead the act of length padding is called "finalisation".).

Security characteristics

The popularity of this construction is due to the fact, proven by Merkle and Damgård, that if the one-way compression function f is collision resistant, then so is the hash function constructed using it. Unfortunately, this construction also has several undesirable properties:

  • Length extension — once an attacker has one collision, he can find more very cheaply.
  • Second preimage attacks against long messages are always much more efficient than brute force.
  • Multicollisions (many messages with the same hash) can be found with only a little more work than collisions.[5]
  • "Herding attacks" (first committing to an output h, then mapping messages with arbitrary starting values to h) are possible for more work than finding a collision, but much less than would be expected to do this for a random oracle.[6][7]
  • "Extension attacks": Given the hash H(X) of an unknown input X, it is easy to find the value of H(pad(X) || Y), where pad is the padding function of the hash. That is, it is possible to find hashes of inputs related to X even though X remains unknown.[8] A random oracle would not have this property, and this may lead to simple attacks even for natural schemes proven secure in the random oracle model.[9] Length extension attack was actually used to attack a number of commercial web message authentication schemes such as one used by Flickr.[10]

Wide pipe construction

The Wide pipe hash construction. The intermediate chaining values have been doubled.

Due to several structural weaknesses of Merkle–Damgård construction, especially the length extension problem and multicollision attacks, Stefan Lucks proposed the use of the wide-pipe hash[11] instead of Merkle–Damgård construction. The wide-pipe hash is very similar to the Merkle–Damgård construction but has a larger internal state size, meaning that the bit-length that is internally used is larger than the output bit-length. If a hash of n bit is desired, the compression function f takes 2n bit of chaining value and m bit of the message and compresses this to an output of 2n bit.

Therefore, in final step a second compression function compresses the last internal hash value (2n bit) to the final hash value (n bit). This can be done as simply as to discard half of the last 2n-bit-output. SHA-224 and SHA-384 take this form since they are derived from SHA-256 and SHA-512, respectively.

Fast wide pipe construction

The Fast wide pipe hash construction. Half of chaining value is used in the compression function.

It has been demonstrated by Mridul Nandi and Souradyuti Paul that the Widepipe hash function can be made approximately twice faster, if the widepipe state can be divided in half in the following manner: one half is inputted to the succeeding compression function when the other half is combined with the output of that compression function.[12]

The main idea of the hash construction is to feed-forward half of the previous chaining value to XOR it to the output of the compression function. In so doing the construction takes in longer messageblock every iteration than original widepipe. Using the same function f as before, it takes n bit chaining value and n+m bit of the message. However, the price to pay is the extra memory used in the construction for feed-forward.

MD-compliant padding

As mentioned in the introduction, the padding scheme used in the Merkle–Damgård construction must be chosen carefully to ensure the security of the scheme. Mihir Bellare gives sufficient conditions for a padding scheme to possess to ensure that the MD construction is secure: the scheme must be "MD-compliant" (the original length-padding scheme used by Merkle is an example of MD-compliant padding).[1]Primarily based on the most recent URA personal property value index (PPPI) flash estimates, we know that the PPPI, which represents the overall real property price development, has dipped in 2013Q4. That is the first dip the market has seen within the final 2 years.

To give you some perspective, the entire number of personal properties in Singapore (together with govt condominiums) is 297,689 in 2013Q3. Primarily based on the projection that there will be 19,302 units accomplished in 2014, the rise in residential models works out to be more than 6%. With a lot New Ec Launch Singapore provide, buyers might be spoilt for alternative and this in flip will lead to their reluctance to pay a premium for potential models. The complete textual content of the Copyright Act (Cap sixty three) and different statutes regarding IPR might be found on the Singapore Statutes Online Website online The Group's income jumped forty.1 p.c to $324.5 million from $231.6 million in FY 2013, lifted by increased development income and sales of growth properties in Singapore and China. Actual Estate Shopping for

One factor we've on this nation is a big group of "economists," and "market analysts." What's interesting about this group of real property market-watchers is that there are two very other ways wherein they predict Boomers will affect housing markets over the subsequent decade. Let's check out those two opposites and see how every can change the best way real property investors strategy their markets. The good news is that actual property buyers are prepared for either state of affairs, and there's profit in being ready. I'm excited and searching ahead to the alternatives both or each of these conditions will supply; thank you Boomers! Mapletree to further broaden past Asia Why fortune will favour the brave in Asia's closing real property frontier

The story of the 23.2 home begins with a stack of Douglas fir beams salvaged from varied demolished warehouses owned by the consumer's household for a number of generations. Design and structure innovator Omer Arbel, configured them to type a triangulated roof, which makes up one of the placing features of the home. The transient from the entrepreneur-proprietor was not solely to design a house that integrates antique wood beams, however one which erases the excellence between inside and exterior. Built on a gentle slope on a large rural acreage surrounded by two masses of previous-development forests, the indoors movement seamlessly to the outdoors and, from the within looking, one enjoys unobstructed views of the existing natural panorama which is preserved

First, there are typically extra rental transactions than gross sales transactions, to permit AV to be decided for each property primarily based on comparable properties. Second, movements in sale costs are more unstable than leases. Hence, utilizing rental transactions to derive the AV helps to maintain property tax more steady for property homeowners. If you're buying or trying to lease a property. It's tiring to call up individual property agent, organize appointments, coordinate timing and to go for particular person property viewing. What most individuals do is to have a property agent representing them who will arrange and coordinate the viewings for all the properties out there based mostly on your necessities & most well-liked timing. Rent Property District 12 Rent Property District thirteen

The Annual Worth of a property is mostly derived based mostly on the estimated annual hire that it may well fetch if it have been rented out. In determining the Annual Worth of a property, IRAS will think about the leases of similar properties within the vicinity, dimension and condition of the property, and different relevant components. The Annual Worth of a property is determined in the identical method regardless of whether the property is let-out, proprietor-occupied or vacant. The Annual Worth of land is determined at 5% of the market price of the land. When a constructing is demolished, the Annual Worth of the land is assessed by this method. Property Tax on Residential Properties Buyer Stamp Responsibility on Buy of Properties – Business and residential properties Rent House District 01

Within the event the Bank's valuation is decrease than the acquisition price, the purchaser has to pay the distinction between the purchase value and the Bank's valuation utilizing money. As such, the money required up-front might be increased so it's at all times essential to know the valuation of the property before making any offer. Appoint Lawyer The Bank will prepare for a proper valuation of the property by way of physical inspection The completion statement will present you the balance of the acquisition price that you must pay after deducting any deposit, pro-rated property tax and utility costs, upkeep prices, and different relevant expenses in addition to any fees payable to the agent and the lawyer. Stamp Responsibility Primarily based on the Purchase Price or Market Value, whichever is larger Conditions:

With these conditions in place, we find a collision in the MD hash function exactly when we find a collision in the underlying compression function. Therefore, the Merkle–Damgård construction is provably secure when the underlying compression function is secure.[1]Primarily based on the most recent URA personal property value index (PPPI) flash estimates, we know that the PPPI, which represents the overall real property price development, has dipped in 2013Q4. That is the first dip the market has seen within the final 2 years.

To give you some perspective, the entire number of personal properties in Singapore (together with govt condominiums) is 297,689 in 2013Q3. Primarily based on the projection that there will be 19,302 units accomplished in 2014, the rise in residential models works out to be more than 6%. With a lot New Ec Launch Singapore provide, buyers might be spoilt for alternative and this in flip will lead to their reluctance to pay a premium for potential models. The complete textual content of the Copyright Act (Cap sixty three) and different statutes regarding IPR might be found on the Singapore Statutes Online Website online The Group's income jumped forty.1 p.c to $324.5 million from $231.6 million in FY 2013, lifted by increased development income and sales of growth properties in Singapore and China. Actual Estate Shopping for

One factor we've on this nation is a big group of "economists," and "market analysts." What's interesting about this group of real property market-watchers is that there are two very other ways wherein they predict Boomers will affect housing markets over the subsequent decade. Let's check out those two opposites and see how every can change the best way real property investors strategy their markets. The good news is that actual property buyers are prepared for either state of affairs, and there's profit in being ready. I'm excited and searching ahead to the alternatives both or each of these conditions will supply; thank you Boomers! Mapletree to further broaden past Asia Why fortune will favour the brave in Asia's closing real property frontier

The story of the 23.2 home begins with a stack of Douglas fir beams salvaged from varied demolished warehouses owned by the consumer's household for a number of generations. Design and structure innovator Omer Arbel, configured them to type a triangulated roof, which makes up one of the placing features of the home. The transient from the entrepreneur-proprietor was not solely to design a house that integrates antique wood beams, however one which erases the excellence between inside and exterior. Built on a gentle slope on a large rural acreage surrounded by two masses of previous-development forests, the indoors movement seamlessly to the outdoors and, from the within looking, one enjoys unobstructed views of the existing natural panorama which is preserved

First, there are typically extra rental transactions than gross sales transactions, to permit AV to be decided for each property primarily based on comparable properties. Second, movements in sale costs are more unstable than leases. Hence, utilizing rental transactions to derive the AV helps to maintain property tax more steady for property homeowners. If you're buying or trying to lease a property. It's tiring to call up individual property agent, organize appointments, coordinate timing and to go for particular person property viewing. What most individuals do is to have a property agent representing them who will arrange and coordinate the viewings for all the properties out there based mostly on your necessities & most well-liked timing. Rent Property District 12 Rent Property District thirteen

The Annual Worth of a property is mostly derived based mostly on the estimated annual hire that it may well fetch if it have been rented out. In determining the Annual Worth of a property, IRAS will think about the leases of similar properties within the vicinity, dimension and condition of the property, and different relevant components. The Annual Worth of a property is determined in the identical method regardless of whether the property is let-out, proprietor-occupied or vacant. The Annual Worth of land is determined at 5% of the market price of the land. When a constructing is demolished, the Annual Worth of the land is assessed by this method. Property Tax on Residential Properties Buyer Stamp Responsibility on Buy of Properties – Business and residential properties Rent House District 01

Within the event the Bank's valuation is decrease than the acquisition price, the purchaser has to pay the distinction between the purchase value and the Bank's valuation utilizing money. As such, the money required up-front might be increased so it's at all times essential to know the valuation of the property before making any offer. Appoint Lawyer The Bank will prepare for a proper valuation of the property by way of physical inspection The completion statement will present you the balance of the acquisition price that you must pay after deducting any deposit, pro-rated property tax and utility costs, upkeep prices, and different relevant expenses in addition to any fees payable to the agent and the lawyer. Stamp Responsibility Primarily based on the Purchase Price or Market Value, whichever is larger

Length padding example

To be able to feed the message to the compression function, the last block needs to be padded with constant data (generally with zeroes) to a full block.

For example, let's say the message to be hashed is "HashInput" and the block size of the compression function is 8 bytes (64 bits). So we get two blocks looking like this:
HashInpu t0000000

But this is not enough since it would mean that distinct messages starting by the same data and terminated by zero or more bytes from the padding constant data would get fed into the reduction function using exactly the same blocks, producing the same final hash sum.

In our example, for instance, the modified message "HashInput00" would generate the same blocks as the original message "HashInput".

To prevent this, the first bit of the padded constant data must be changed. As the constant padding is generally made of zeroes, the first padding bit will be mandatorily changed into "1".

In our example, we get something like this:
HashInpu t1000000

To harden the hash even further also, the length of the message can be added in an extra block.

So in our example, we would get three blocks like this:
HashInpu t1000000 00000009

To avoid ambiguity, the message length value must be itself resistant to length extensions. Most common implementations use a fixed bit-size (generally 64 or 128 bits in modern algorithms) and a fixed position at end of the last block for encoding the message length value.

Now that is a bit wasteful since it means hashing one full extra block for the length value. So there is a slight speed optimisation that most hash algorithms use. If there is space enough among the zeros padded to the last block the length value can instead be padded there.

Let's say here that, in our example the length value is encoded on 5 bytes (40 bits), thus it gets padded in the final block as "00009", not just "9" or with too many unnecessary zeroes. Like this:
HashInpu t1000009


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