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== Air Max Tn Requin  farine d'avoine ==
{{about|a computer game|a tabletop game|IceTowers|a skyscraper|Ice Tower}}
{{primary sources|date=August 2011}}

Attention, je suis un client très heureux de HSBC \ Best Buy jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le message (montré dans la vidéo) est ainsi libellé: "Jen, je t'aime de tout mon cœur et rien ne me ferait plus plaisir que de passer le reste de ma vie avec toi Et Kasich a soulevé les sourcils avec la façon dont il a exhorté l'appui. <br><br>"Le premier attentat contre le World Trade Center, je pense que nous avions le gars qui a loué la voiture en une journée. Le programme sportif universitaire champs 16 équipes [ Air Max Tn Requin] interuniversitaires, mais est surtout connu pour son équipe de basketball masculin, qui est parmi les 10 meilleurs programmes à l'échelle nationale avec [ Chemise Fred Perry Blanc] <br><br>Aéronefs, des missiles intercepteurs et d'autres armes, à l'amélioration des systèmes nationaux de renseignement. Beaucoup de sites vous permettent d'entendre le score par l'intermédiaire de midi, ainsi que de lire et d'imprimer la partition .. Essayer de se faufiler dans les crevasses, a déclaré Vogel. "Pour obtenir les effets positifs de la musique, vous devez écouter [ Nike Air Max 2012] de la musique que vous aimez.".<br><br>Il ya une nouvelle génération d'adresses étant conçus appelé IPv6. Dotation a également été un problème. Comme David Zurawik du Baltimore Sun souligne, un morceau du New York Times sur le lancement contenait ce commentaire: "A la télévision haute nouvelles exécutif prédit que Al Jazeera Amérique serait, dès le début, de recevoir encore plus sévèrement que le canal qu'il remplace, actuel TV. " Doomsday prévision d'un rival sans nom? <br><br>Je suis désolé mais tout n'est pas toujours sur la ligne de fond, et quand il s'agit de mettre en péril la santé de ma famille qui est l'endroit où je tire la ligne .. En Kettering, une ville orange vif posté signe déclare la maison, enveloppé de vue sur la rue par <br><br>609 à une église chrétienne. fermetures de raffineries touché les travailleurs et Drivers "). espérons que les décisions qui ont été faites sur le travail .. 8. Le seul mensonge au sujet de l'invasion de l'Irak était médias américains racontant l'esprit faible que les États-Unis allait dans de l'huile et non pas pour protéger la <br><br>Si vous avez le syndrome de Weirdo, vous pouvez avoir demandé pourquoi tout le monde autour de vous a un moment facile de rencontrer des gens et se faire des amis quand il si difficile pour vous. Si vous n'avez pas un piano droit ou à queue cher, il n'y a pas besoin de s'inquiéter. <br><br>Pas tous les administrateurs choisissent des avantages sociaux du canton, mais sont admissibles à un remboursement limité à la couverture obtenue elsewhere.Heidi M. Son assez simple: sélectionner des protéines maigres (poisson, la dinde, le poulet et le bœuf maigre), chargent sur des légumes, sélectionnez les [ Fadan Longchamp Bruxelles] bons glucides ( grains entiers, farine d'avoine, pommes de terre douces, et le riz brun), et n'oubliez pas d'ajouter des graisses saines (des avocats, tous les beurres de noix naturels, huile d'olive, noix de coco et les noix).<ul>
{{Infobox video game
|title          = Icy Tower
|image          = [[Image:Icy tower 1.4 logo.gif|125px|alt=The words "Icy Tower" are spelled in bright, bold, three-dimensional letters. The letter "O" is replaced by a grinning face of a boy in a blue tuque cap covering his eyes. Vertical parts of the letters "I" in "Icy" and "R" in "Tower" are shaped like arrows pointing up and down, respectively. There is also a trademark sign.]]
|resolution    = 640×480
|developer      = Free Lunch Design
|distributor    =
|license        = [[Proprietary software|proprietary]], [[freeware]]
|engine        = [[Allegro library]]<ref name='main_14_readme'/>
|released      = {{vgrelease new|EU|2001-12-22}} (see [[#it_version_history|history]])
|latest release date    = {{vgrelease new|EU|2011-01-31}}
|latest release version = 1.5
|genre          =
* [[action game]]
* [[platform game]]
|modes          = [[Single-player video game|single-player]]
|platforms      = [[Personal computer|PC]]/[[Microsoft Windows|MS Windows]],<ref group='nb'>It is possible to run ''Icy Tower'' on the [[Linux]] operating system using the [[Wine (software)|Wine]] software. {{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower|work=WineHQ AppDB|accessdate=September 8, 2009}}</ref> [[Mac OS X]]
|media          = Internet, magazines
|requirements   =
* 5 [[Megabyte|MB]] [[Hard disk drive|HDD]]
* 16 [[Megabyte|MB]] [[Random-access memory|RAM]]
* 200 [[Hertz|MHz]] [[Central processing unit|CPU]]<ref name="main_12_readme">{{cite video game|title=Icy Tower|platform=PC|version=1.2|developer=Free Lunch Design}} ([[README|Readme file]] named "''Icy Tower'' v1.2").</ref>
|input          = [[Keyboard (computing)|keyboard]] ([[gamepad]], [[joystick]])
|designer      = Johan Peitz
|artist        =  
* Johan Peitz
* Emanuel Garnheim<ref group='nb'>As the person responsible for the renewal of the game graphics in ''Icy Tower'' 1.4.</ref><ref name='main_14_readme'/>
|composer      = Anders Svensson

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'''''Icy Tower''''' is a popular [[freeware]] [[Personal computer game|computer game]] by the Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design. This is a platform game that is set in a tower and the player's goal is to climb as high in the tower as possible without falling off the bottom of the screen. The higher the character climbs the faster the tower's floors move downward and hence the more difficult the game becomes. By default, the player controls the character using a keyboard.

Pics, trucs et astuces sur la peau, des cheveux et des ongles. Cependant, tant que le bateau et la remorque ne sont pas trop lourd, pas de réels dommages se produit, il suffit d'utiliser plus de gaz .. Parce qu'il augmente la quantité d'énergie que vous avez à un moment donné, la créatine qui fonctionne le mieux pour les sports qui nécessitent de fréquents éclats de mouvement <br><br>Il est difficile d'échapper remise en forme dans notre maison, mon mari dirige une entreprise de formation personnelle et nous avons vécu ce mode de vie depuis 21 ans. 3.after tente de récupérer les informations sur une carte ont été infructueuses, les agents électoraux se préparaient à distribuer [ Adidas Jeremy Scott Usa Pas Cher] compter les 93 votes de la Cité touchés. "Tout est allé assez bien, sauf que la carte mémoire", a déclaré Steve Quillen, les élections membre director.Board Robert Huffman [ Nike Free Trainer] Jr.<br><br>Les aliments qui collent à la bouche ou de la gorge de votre enfant peuvent également être un risque d'étouffement, comme les grands globules de beurre d'arachide ou d'autres beurres de noix et des bonbons gluants ou collants, comme le caramel .. Sa campagne n'était pas disponible [ Doudoune Canada Goose Solde] pour commenter Whispers en raison de la prestation de serment , mais le porte-parole Justin Unga dit le Service Nouvelles Religion en Novembre que Sinema favorise une «approche laïque." <br><br>Avant cela, le vaccin contre la grippe n'a été utilisé que pour certains enfants souffrant de certaines maladies chroniques qui rendrait la grippe plus dangereuse pour [ Longchamp Belgique Sac] eux .. Paradoxalement, hypothèques qualifié protège les prêteurs de toute responsabilité pour de nombreux prêts à haut risque, encourage les types de prêts plus risqués, et continue <br><br>Le mode d'articulation décrit le type d'obstruction dans le conduit vocal qui produit une consonne, tel qu'un arrêt (b), une fricative (f), ou une nasale (m). Elle a besoin d'un rein. «Mon cœur était brisé. Entendre leurs histoires et de voir les choses à leur façon. Pour dire que quelque chose est froid, ou que nous nous sentons le froid, ou même que nous allons dans "le froid", n'est pas d'affirmer que le froid "existe." Nous sommes tout simplement des rapports de la température.<br><br>Stills ont eu quatre réceptions pour 64 verges et un touché la semaine dernière et mis son travail régulier avec deux réceptions pour 54 verges et une autre partition, le dimanche. Parcak espère l'aide de données tirées de la nouvelle technologie pour répondre à certaines des questions les plus importantes de l'archéologie.<ul>
== Gameplay ==
[[Image:icy tower gameplay screenshot.png|thumb|250px|A screenshot of ''Icy Tower'' 1.4.|alt=Screenshot]]

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The player starts the game on the ground floor of the tower. In order to climb the tower, the player must jump from floor to floor, an action controlled (by default) using the spacebar. The game character can pass through the floors of the tower from below but will land on them when falling from above. Once the player has landed on a floor, he can move across its surface using the arrow keys. By moving across the floor the player builds momentum, and the more momentum a player builds up the higher his next jump will be. The character can also bounce off the vertical walls on the left and right edges of the tower, allowing the player to switch direction while maintaining momentum.

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If a player builds enough momentum, he can climb several floors at once in a single jump. Extended sequences of such multi-floor jumps are referred to in the game as ''combos''. A combo ends when a player makes a jump which covers only one floor, falls off a floor and lands on a lower floor, or fails to make a jump within a certain time frame (about 3 seconds).

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The floors of the tower begin to move slowly downward once the character reaches floor 5. Every thirty seconds after this initial movement, the downward motion of the floors increases in speed, and the game tells the player to "Hurry up!" Should the player miss a floor and fall off the bottom of the screen, the game will end. The game also ends if the player is standing on a floor and the floor moves off the bottom of the screen.

Je n'appartiens pas à l'école sanglots de Negrohood qui soutiennent que la nature leur a donné en quelque sorte une affaire sale verité et dont les sentiments sont tout sauf à ce sujet. J'ai allumé une nouvelle Macanudo avec un roulé, flamboyant billet de 20 $. J'ai eu beaucoup de demandes de personnes qui ont eu la tâche de déplacer leur siège de la société et en se déplaçant d'un bureau est une grande entreprise qui peuvent avoir besoin d'aide supplémentaire sous la forme d'autres collègues (création d'un comité) ou par l'embauche de professionnels <br><br>L'augmentation a donné un élan aux fabricants, mais les stocks de l'entreprise de nombreuses entreprises sont en ligne avec les ventes et n'ont pas besoin de se développer autant .. Trouver un bon médecin qui a un bon dossier avec amnio de et vous ne devriez pas avoir un problème. <br><br>Juste à venir et me prouver et si ça marche, ça marche et si elle doesn j'ai une grande équipe, je peux revenir à, dit Logan. Elle respecter et apprécier avoir pris le temps d'écouter .. La ventilation transversale [ New Balance Shoes Canada Online] depuis les fenêtres sur le côté nord-ouest du bâtiment et les murs-rideaux en verre sur le côté sud refroidir naturellement environ 70 pour cent de [ Moncler Outlet Belgique=] l'espace pour les 1700 employés fédéraux qui ont travaillé <br><br>6Quand fin de supervision? Parfois surveillance se termine une fois il ya plus d'informations ou le parent remplit certaines évaluations, classes, etc Cette façon de penser a été beaucoup moins écrasante et n'arrêtait pas de me concentré. Tina mère de Victoria (8A / o). Heureusement pour nous, cela n'a pas été le cas cette année, et c'est pourquoi je pense que nous avons réussi à rester [ Doudoune Moncler] si forte et revenir là où nous en sommes aujourd'hui "CONTACT SPORT:. Président NASCAR Brian France a fait clair qu'il aime la course passionnante et un produit sur la piste qui a des fans parler pendant des jours ..<br><br>Mais d'abord, vous devez en apprendre davantage sur la mécanique de l'écriture d'un script avant de se soucier de combien de temps il vous faut pour écrire un .. Le tourteau de soja est souvent [ Abercrombie Soldes] utilisé dans les aliments du bétail, en particulier pour les porcs et les volailles et dans les suppléments pour les bovins laitiers .. Bon.<br><br>Mais avez-vous déjà essayé d'être à deux endroits à la fois. Il s'agit notamment de la difficulté à soutenir la tête d'un bébé de 3 mois, disquette ou mou posture du corps ou, à l'autre bras ou des jambes extrêmes, raides ou rigides, repoussant ou fréquemment cambrant le dos, ou en utilisant un seul côté du corps<ul>
The goal of the player is to reach the highest possible floor and accumulate the highest possible number of points. Points are awarded based on the highest floor reached in the game as well as for the player's combos.<ref name='main_14_readme'/>
The tower is of infinite height and it is impossible to reach the top.<ref name='main_14_readme'/> After the game ends, a [[#it_replays|replay]] of the game may be saved for later viewing.
=== Floors ===
The horizontal length of each floor depends on the player's progress in the tower, the version of the game, and a random factor. Their arrangement is entirely random. Their appearance changes every 100 floors until floor 1000.
=== High scores ===
Icy Tower records players' best results in built-in high score tables. Scores are recorded in several categories including highest score, highest floor, and longest combo. {{Anchor|it_high_score_lists}}Players may also publish their accomplishments in online [[Score (game)#High score|high score lists]]. Online high score lists may require players to provide replays from their games as evidence for their results. The official Icy Tower list resides on the web server of Free Lunch Design.<ref name='official_list'/>
{{Anchor|it_kplus}} It is also possible to compare performance of two players using the so-called K+ method. The K+ formula is a product of a sum of quotients, where the divisors and dividends represent records of both players in a specific Icy Tower category. For example, the K+ value from Score, Floor and Combo is represented by the expression
: <math>\frac{100{\left[ \sqrt{\frac{Score_a}{Score_b}} + 2{\left( \frac{Floor_a}{Floor_b} \right)} + \frac{Combo_a}{Combo_b}\right]}}{4}</math>,
where <math>Score</math>, <math> Floor </math> and <math>Combo</math> stand for the highest score, highest floor, and longest combo, respectively (<math>a</math> and <math>b</math> standing for the players being compared). The K+ mechanism is often used in online high score lists for ranking players.
== History ==
{| class='wikitable' id='it_version_history' style='width: 260px; float: right; clear: right; margin: 10px 0 10px 10px'
|+ The history of ''Icy Tower'' releases
| style='text-align: center' | 1st
! 1.0
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2001-12-22}}
| style='text-align: center' | 2nd
! 1.1
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2002-01-11}}
| style='text-align: center' | 3rd
! 1.2
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2003-10-11}}
| style='text-align: center' | 4th
! 1.2.1
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2004-01-31}}
| style='text-align: center' | 5th
! 1.3
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2005-09-06}}
| style='text-align: center' | 6th
! 1.3.1
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2005-10-29}}
| style='text-align: center' |
! 1.3.2
| {{vgrelease new|EU|Cancelled<ref group='nb'>''Icy Tower'' 1.3.2 was a cancelled release which was designed to prevent players from playing if their computers were recognised by the game as [[#it_slowdown|overly slowed down]]. This measure against ''slowdown'' was subsequently abandoned in favour of the SDbuster program and, later, inbuilt features of the game (since ''Icy Tower'' 1.4).{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}</ref>}}
| style='text-align: center' | 7th
! [[#it_mobile|''ITM'']]
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2008-10-06}}
| style='text-align: center' | 8th
! 1.4
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2009-06-03}}
| style='text-align: center' | 9th
! [[#it_online|''ITFB'']]
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2009-09-24}}
| style='text-align: center' | 10th
! [[#it_iphone|''ITiP'']]
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2010-11-12}}
| style='text-align: center' | 11th
! 1.5
| {{vgrelease new|EU|2011-01-31}}
{{multiple image
| direction = vertical
| width    = 150
| image1    = Xjump.png
| alt1      = XJump Screenshot
| caption1  = ''Xjump'', the game which inspired the makers of ''Icy Tower''.
| image2    = Icy tower 1.0 gameplay screenshot.png
| alt2      = IcyTower 1.0 Screenshot
| caption2  = ''Icy Tower'' 1.0.
| image3    = icy tower gameplay screenshot.png
| alt3      = IcyTower 1.0 Screenshot
| caption3  = ''Icy Tower'' 1.4.
''Icy Tower'' was created by a Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design using the [[C (programming language)|C programming language]] and the [[Allegro library|Allegro game library]].<ref name='main_14_readme'/> Its designers were inspired by ''Xjump'', a game for the [[Linux|Linux operating system]].<ref name='interview_serafin'/>
{{Anchor|it_version_nomenclature}} The game follows a [[Software versioning#Sequence-based identifiers|sequence-based software versioning scheme]]. Its current version is 1.5. Changes in the ''minor'' number denote the entire package of the game being changed, together with its sound and graphic resources. Changes in the ''release'' number denote a release of a [[Patch (computing)|patch]], i.e. a modified [[Executable|executable file]] purpose of which is to fix [[software bug]]s present in previous releases of the game. Patches for ''Icy Tower'' are being circulated both inside and outside official game packages.
The makers of ''Icy Tower'' maintain contact with its players, and their opinions were being taken into consideration in the course of developing new versions of the game.<ref name='it_multiplayer'/><ref name='new_version'/> The list of the most significant changes made to it to date includes:
; Records file (1.1) : An automatically generated and updated [[binary file]] that contained data about the player's records at a given time. It could be subsequently submitted to the then official online high score list.{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}
; {{Anchor|it_replays}} Replay files (1.2) : Small binary files that contain the recording of a given ''Icy Tower'' game and the nickname of its maker. Replays are less prone to cheating by manually modifying them than were files used to store players' records in ''Icy Tower'' 1.1. Replay saving and viewing features were being improved concurrently with the entire program. For example, replays have since been made easier to sign (1.2.1) and rewind (1.3), as well as possible to sort by various criteria (1.3). It has also become possible to view a [[progress bar]] of their duration, their maker's nickname and the arrangement of keys pressed during their making when watching them (1.3) and to save them automatically whenever a player beats his personal record (1.4).
; Configurable keyboard settings (1.2) : The possibility to personalise keyboard keys responsible for the character's movements in the tower. Since ''Icy Tower'' 1.3 it is also possible to customise the key pausing the game.
; Shortened floors (1.3) : This change was introduced in order to make gameplay over the 1000th floor barrier more difficult. In ''Icy Tower'' versions prior to 1.3 a sufficiently skilled player was able to casually climb as much as several thousand floors, even at the fastest rate of the downward movement of the screen. This was undesirable, as replays from such games often lasted several minutes or more.
; Removal of the immaterial floors bug (1.3) : This bug, known as the "ghost floor" bug, was a [[collision detection]] glitch that occasionally caused random floors in the tower not to stop the character falling onto them, usually ending the game as a result. It had only been occurring at the highest game speed and caused several players to quit playing altogether. It was the primary reason behind the making of ''Icy Tower'' 1.3. Its creators originally only intended to fix the bug in question in it,<ref name='blog'/> release the new version as ''Icy Tower'' 1.2.2 and distribute it as a [[#it_version_nomenclature|patch]].<ref name='version_122'/>
; {{Anchor|it_profiles}} Player profiles (1.4) : A concept of [[User profile|user accounts]] (''profiles'') was introduced in order to help several players play a single instance of the game. A profile contains certain publicly accessible data about the achievements of its owner (his average and best scores in the game, for example), as well as his personal game settings and preferences. The default profile is the so-called ''guest profile''.
; Support for secondary categories (1.4) : A possibility to manually change default game gravity and speed and default floors length was introduced (this change emulated – to a limited degree – features and options that were previously available for players only by the means of [[#it_tools|special trainers]]). Results achieved in the environment modified in such manner do not, however, affect the state of the built-in high score lists, which only register results recorded in default conditions. The categorial scope of the built-in lists was nevertheless [[#it_built_in_lists|expanded]]; since ''Icy Tower'' 1.4 they also register scores in categories formerly considered secondary (such as JS or CC).
; Measures against ''slowdown'' (1.4) : ''Icy Tower'' 1.4 estimates the possibility that the player's computer was artificially [[#it_slowdown|slowed down]] and records results of this estimation in replay files. A standalone program named SDbuster (Slowdown Buster) was also created in 2007 to help detect slowed down replays, which calculates the possibility of a given replay being slowed down based on previously remembered differences between replays recorded in normal and reduced speed.
Lesser changes include an audiovisual overhaul of the game (1.4, 1.5), the possibility to choose the default floor type of the game (1.2) and the possibility to create custom game characters (1.2). Additionally, four new combo rewards were introduced, namely Super!, Fantastic!, Splendid! and No way!, and thresholds of combo length for certain rewards were increased (1.2).
=== Ports ===
{{Infobox VG
|collapsible    = yes
|title          = [ Icy Tower Mobile]<ref group='nb' name='itm_name'/>
|developer      = [ Xendex Entertainment]
|publisher      = [ Hands–On Mobile]
|distributor    = region-dependant<ref name='itm_distributors'/>
|license        = [[Proprietary software|proprietary]]
|released      = {{vgrelease new|EU|2008-10-06}}
|genre          =
* [[action game]]
* [[platform game]]
|modes          = [[Single-player video game|singe-player]]
|platforms      = [[Java Platform, Micro Edition|Java ME]]
|media          = [[Wireless Application Protocol#WAP Push|WAP Push]] ([[MIDlet]])
|designer      = Johan Peitz<ref group='nb' name='johan_peitz_role'/>
{{Infobox VG
|collapsible    = yes
|title          = [ Icy Tower Facebook]
|developer      = [ Free Lunch Design] ([ Muskedunder Interactive]<ref group='nb'>A Swedish game developer that owned Free Lunch Design {{as of|2008|3|lc=on}}. {{cite web|url=|publisher=Muskedunder Interactive|accessdate=December 30, 2009|title=What's new|quote=The Swedish flash game developer Muskedunder Interactive today [i.e. March 30, 2008] announced it has acquired the independent game developer Free Lunch Design.}}</ref>)
|license        = [[Proprietary software|proprietary]], [[adware]]
|released      = {{vgrelease new|EU|2009-09-24}}<ref name='itfb_release'/><ref group='nb' name='itfb_release_status'/>
|genre          =
* [[action game]]
* [[platform game]]
|modes          = [[Single-player video game|singe-player]]
|platforms      =
* [[Adobe Flash]]
* [[Facebook Platform]]
|media          = [[Browser game|online game]]
|input          = [[Keyboard (computing)|keyboard]]
|designer      = Johan Peitz<ref group='nb' name='johan_peitz_role'/>
{{Infobox VG
|collapsible    = yes
|title          = [ Icy Tower iPhone]
|released      = {{vgrelease new|EU|2010-11-12}}
|genre          =
* [[action game]]
* [[platform game]]
|modes          = [[Single-player video game|singe-player]]
|designer      = Johan Peitz<ref group='nb' name='johan_peitz_role'/>
{{Anchor|it_mobile}} On March 14, 2007, a press release has been published on the Free Lunch Design website announcing the establishment of a partnership between FLD and mobile game developer Xendex Entertainment regarding the [[porting]] of ''Icy Tower'' to the [[Mobile game|mobile environment]].<ref name='xendex'/> The ensuant game named ''Icy Tower'' Mobile (''ITM'')<ref group='nb' name='itm_name'/> has been released on October 6, 2008. Due to limitations of mobile platforms the game lacks several features present in its PC counterpart, such as publishing replays from games outside the mobile phone or changing default game characters.<ref name='icytower_mobi'/>
{{Anchor|it_online}} On September 24, 2009, a Free Lunch Design game named ''Icy Tower Facebook'' (''ITFB''), developed on the Adobe Flash platform within the development framework of the [[Facebook]] social networking website, has been released.<ref name='itfb_release'/><ref group='nb' name='itfb_release_status'/> ''Icy Tower Facebook'' allows players to compare their results with results of their friends within the Facebook system. It is also possible for players to personalise their [[Avatar (computing)|in-game avatars]] and unlock additional [[Level (video gaming)|game levels]] (so-called ''towers''), which correspond to various game styles in the PC version of ''Icy Tower'', by exchanging them for the [[Virtual economy|virtual currency]] of the game (so-called ''coins''). ''ITFB'' lacks the possibility of recording replays.
{{Anchor|it_iphone}} On November 2012, an official continuation of Icy Tower named Icy Tower 2 was released. It is available for iOS; and Android. According to the producer estimates on November 23, 2012, a number of downloads of Icy Tower 2 reached a million copies. There also exist unofficial ''Icy Tower'' ports for the [[Nintendo DS]]<ref name='nds'/> and [[PlayStation Portable]]<ref name='psp'/> video game consoles, made by players.
== Reception ==
''Icy Tower'' ranked high in the "Most Popular" ranking of the "PC games" section in the [[]] software directory website; its average monthly number of downloads was "more than 20,000" in 2006, amounting to over five million {{as of|2009|lc=on}}.<ref name='downloads_forum'/><ref name='downloads_site'/> The total number of Icy Tower downloads was estimated at over 11 million in 2008.<ref name='downloads_movie'/> In terms of the number of websites devoted to the game, it is most popular in [[Czech Republic]], [[Germany]] and [[Poland]].<ref name='itc_links'/> Central European countries are also home to a major portion of top Icy Tower players.<ref name='official_list'/><ref name='list_12'/> According to Johan Peitz, the author of the game, the reason behind the popularity of Icy Tower is that it allows players to compete in several different categories, for example in striving for both high floors and high scores.<ref name='interview_kyratzes'/>
{{Anchor|it_tournaments}} Online Icy Tower communities allow their members to exchange high scores, replays and comments about the game and its gameplay. Additionally, players frequently compete against themselves in online competitions. Icy Tower tournaments usually consist of a number of rounds, each lasting one or more days. In every round, contestants are required to record one or more replays with a result in a specific category of the game.<ref name='about_2003'/><ref name='about_2004'/><ref name='itnc'/> Players have also organized live meetings, which took place in [[Kraków|Cracow]] and [[Warsaw]], Poland<ref name='meeting_cracow'/><ref name='meeting_warsaw_1'/><ref name='meeting_warsaw_2'/> and [[Prague]], Czech Republic{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}.
On May 30, 2007, an official Icy Tower website operated by Free Lunch Design was launched, available at icytower.&shy;freelunchdesign.&shy;com.<ref group='nb'>The site has subsequently been relocated to itc.&shy;freelunchdesign.&shy;com.</ref> On June 3, 2009, the day of ''Icy Tower'' 1.4 release, an additional, complementary site has been opened at
=== Add-ons ===
{{Anchor|it_mods}} Internal structure of ''Icy Tower'' allows for the use of [[Skin (computing)|skins]] through downloading and installation repackaged resource files.<ref name='mods_thread'/><ref group='nb'>It is also possible to modify sound resources of the game.</ref>
{{Anchor|it_characters}} Since the version 1.2 ''Icy Tower'' allows players to create additional [[Sprite (computer graphics)|custom characters]] which may replace the three default characters provided in the game package. Making a new character only requires the player to create an image file of a certain structure. It is possible, however, to also create more complex ones, using which will cause the game to modify its soundtrack<ref name='readme_characters'/> and colour palette{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}}.<ref group='nb'>Since ''Icy Tower'' 1.4 it is no longer possible to change the game palette using a custom character.</ref>
There also exists an array of tools that assist players in training, changing the game physics or analysing their results.
<div class='NavFrame collapsed'>
<div class='NavHead'>Modifications and utilities for ''Icy Tower''</div>
<div class='NavContent' style='text-align: left'>
{| class='wikitable' id='it_tools' style='width: 100%; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; text-align: center'
! style='cursor: help' title='Icy Tower' | ''IT''
! Name
! Features
! style='cursor: help' title='Uniform Resource Locator' | URL
| 1.2.1
! rowspan='2' | Solid Floor
| rowspan='2' style='text-align: left' | A [[Mod (computer gaming)|modification]] that causes floors to become completely solid, i.e., possible for the character to infiltrate from neither above nor below.
| []
| 1.3.1
| []
| 1.3.1
! Sparse Floor
| style='text-align: left' | A modification that removes odd-numbered floors from the tower.
| []
| 1.3.1
! {{Anchor|it_floor_controller}} Icy Tower Floor Controller
| style='text-align: left' | A [[Cheating in video games#Memory editing software|trainer]] allowing players to change the default length of the floors. Known as ITFC.
| []
| 1.3.1
! Icy Tower Initial Speed Changer
| style='text-align: left' | A trainer allowing players to change the default speed of the game. Known as ISC.
| []
| since&nbsp;1.2
! rowspan='3' | Itrcheck
| rowspan='3' style='text-align: left' | An application that analyses ''Icy Tower'' replays and compares results stored in their [[Header (computing)|headers]] with results implied by their content, i.e. with the recording of the character's actual movements in the tower, thus allowing players to easily recognise replays which have been modified manually. Since ''Icy Tower'' 1.4 Itrcheck has been integrated into the executable file of the game. Also known as ITR Checker.
| n/a
| since&nbsp;1.3
| []
| since&nbsp;1.4
| []
| n/a
! K+ calculators
| style='text-align: left' |  Standalone applications offering a [[graphical user interface]] in order to allow easy comparison of results of two players using the [[#it_kplus|K+ method]].
| []
== Notes ==
<ref group='nb' name='johan_peitz_role'>As the designer and artist of ''Icy Tower'' in the version for personal computers.</ref>
<ref group='nb' name='itm_name'>The game is also known as ''Icy Tower ME'' (''ITME'').</ref>
<ref group='nb' name='itfb_release_status'>The version of ''Icy Tower Facebook'' released on September 24, 2009 was a [[Software release life cycle#Beta|beta release]]. {{as of|2009}}, no final version of ''ITFB'' has been released.</ref>
== References ==
<ref name='official_list'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=June 3, 2007|title=Highscores|publisher=Free Lunch Design|work=Icy Tower Community|accessdate=December 30, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='itfb_release'>{{cite web|url=|title=Links on "Icy Tower"|date=September 24, 2009|publisher=Facebook|accessdate=October 4, 2009|quote=It's finally here: Icy Tower for Facebook! The game is limited to 5000 players during the initial test phase, so claim your slot now!}}</ref>
<ref name='main_14_readme'>{{cite video game|title=Icy Tower|platform=PC|version=1.4|developer=Free Lunch Design}} ([[README|Readme file]] named "''Icy Tower'' v1.4").</ref>
<!-- <ref name='faq_site'>{{cite web|url=|title=Frequently Asked Questions|publisher=Free Lunch Design|accessdate=July 26, 2007}} (The "FAQ for ''Icy Tower''" section).</ref> -->
<ref name='interview_serafin'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=February 11, 2007|title=Intervju med Johan Peitz|date=September 28, 2005||first=Lukasz|last=Serafin|language=Swedish|trans_title=Interview with Johan Peitz|accessdate=December 30, 2009|quote=[...] I got the idea from ''[ Xjump]'', an old game installed on the school computers. I expanded and improved the gameplay, packaged it neatly, and there you are – the first version was ready.}}</ref>
<ref name='it_multiplayer'>{{cite web|url=|title=IT In Multiplayer? (NETWORK) Yes or NOT AT all?|date=October 1, 2005|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='new_version'>{{cite web|url=|title=A new version?|date=January 28, 2009|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=January 31, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='blog'>{{cite web|url=|title=The needs of the one - or the many?|date=July 18, 2008|publisher=Sleeping Eggplant|first=Johan|last=Peitz|accessdate=September 10, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='version_122'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower 1.2.2 Beta!|date=February 14, 2005|work=Forum|language=Polish|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='itm_distributors'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower Mobile|publisher=Free Lunch Design|accessdate=December 30, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='xendex'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=March 23, 2007|title=Free Lunch Design Takes Games to the Next Level|date=March 14, 2007|format=PDF|publisher=Free Lunch Design|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='icytower_mobi'>{{cite web|url=|title=wywiad z twórcami Icy Tower Mobile - Xendex|date=July 29, 2008|first=Piotr|last=Maliszewski|||language=Polish|trans_title=interview with the creators of Icy Tower Mobile - Xendex|accessdate=December 26, 2008}}</ref>
<!-- <ref name='itip'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store|date=November 12, 2010||accessdate=November 15, 2010}}</ref> -->
<ref name='nds'>{{cite web|url=|title=I'm porting IT to the DS|date=December 23, 2008|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=September 9, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='psp'>{{cite web|url=|title=LUA Icy Tower v0.6|date=February 4, 2007|work=Downloads / LUA-Spiele||language=German|accessdate=September 9, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='interview_kyratzes'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=January 7, 2007|title=Interview with Johan Peitz|date=August 20, 2006|first=Jonas|last=Kyratzes|accessdate=December 30, 2009|quote=Icy Tower ... features the possibility to play it in different ways, you can either aim for score by doing combo jumps, or you can aim for height by rushing towards to top all the time.}}</ref>
<ref name='downloads_forum'>{{cite web|url=|title=NEWS: Icy Tower climbs the charts|date=February 27, 2006|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=December 26, 2008}}</ref>
<ref name='downloads_site'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower specs and Arcade Game specifications||accessdate=September 16, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='downloads_movie'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower Mobile Edition|date=May 30, 2008|publisher=YouTube|author=Handsonmobile|accessdate=December 30, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='itc_links'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=February 1, 2008|title=Links|publisher=Free Lunch Design|work=Icy Tower Community|accessdate=December 30, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='list_12'>{{cite web|url=|archiveurl=|archivedate=May 6, 2007|title=Icy Tower Highscore List|publisher=Free Lunch Design|accessdate=December 30, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='about_2003'>{{cite web|url=|title=Holiday 2003 Icy Tower Contest - Win a copy of Call of Duty|year=2003||work=Computer Action Games|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='about_2004'>{{cite web|url=|title=2nd Annual Icy Tower Holiday Contest - 2004|year=2004||work=Computer Action Games|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='itnc'>{{cite web|url=|title=ICY TOWER NATIONS CUP 2006 r.|date=November 22, 2006|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='meeting_cracow'>{{cite web|url=| board users meeting - Cracow, 15.07.06|date=July 14, 2006|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=July 26, 2007}}</ref>
<ref name='meeting_warsaw_1'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower players meeting - Warsaw, 05.07.08|date=May 18, 2008|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=December 26, 2008}}</ref>
<ref name='meeting_warsaw_2'>{{cite web|url=|title=Icy Tower players meeting - Warsaw, 28.08.10|date=August 26, 2010|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=November 26, 2010}}</ref>
<ref name='mods_thread'>{{cite web|url=|title=Mods for Icy Tower 1.4|date=July 5, 2009|work=Free Lunch Design Forum|accessdate=September 17, 2009}}</ref>
<ref name='readme_characters'>{{cite video game|title=Icy Tower|platform=PC|version=1.4|developer=Free Lunch Design}} ([[README|Readme file]] named "''Icy Tower'' custom characters").</ref>
== External links ==
{| class='wikitable' style='text-align: center'
! Website
! style='width: 90px' | Message board
! style='width: 90px' | Resources repository
! style='width: 90px' | ''Icy&nbsp;Tower''
! style='width: 90px' | ''Icy&nbsp;Tower Mobile''
! style='width: 90px' | ''Icy&nbsp;Tower Facebook''
! style='width: 90px' | ''Icy&nbsp;Tower iPhone''
! [ Free Lunch Design]
| []
| []
| []
| []
! Official website
| []
| []
| []
| []
! Official forum
| []
| []
| []
| []
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[[Category:Platform games]]
[[Category:Action video games]]
[[Category:Side-scrolling video games]]
[[Category:Freeware games]]
[[Category:2001 video games]]
[[Category:Allegro games]]
[[Category:Windows games]]
[[Category:Flash games]]
[[Category:Java platform games]]
[[Category:Video games developed in Sweden]]
[[Category:Fictional towers]]
[[Category:GameStick Games]]
{{Link FA|pl}}

Latest revision as of 00:07, 3 November 2013

29 yr old Orthopaedic Surgeon Grippo from Saint-Paul, spends time with interests including model railways, top property developers in singapore developers in singapore and dolls. Finished a cruise ship experience that included passing by Runic Stones and Church. Template:Primary sources

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Name: Stephania Brunner
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Country: United States
Home town: San Antonio
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My name is Stephania Brunner. I life in San Antonio (United States).
I am Stephania from San Antonio studying Religious Studies. I did my schooling, secured 81% and hope to find someone with same interests in Stone collecting.
I like Stone collecting. Sounds boring? Not!
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I have a part time job in a backery.
My name is Stephania and I'm a 20 years old girl from United States.
Hi, everybody! My name is Stephania.
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My name is Stephania Brunner but everybody calls me Stephania. I'm from United States. I'm studying at the university (final year) and I play the Dobro for 4 years. Usually I choose music from my famous films :D.
I have two sister. I like Jogging, watching TV (Supernatural) and Color Guard.
I'm a 41 years old, married and working at the college (Religious Studies).
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I'm Stephania and I live with my husband and our 3 children in San Antonio, in the TX south part. My hobbies are Skiing, Fantasy Football and Color Guard.
Hello, I'm Stephania, a 26 year old from San Antonio, United States.
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Hi there! :) My name is Stephania, I'm a student studying Religious Studies from San Antonio, United States.
I'm Stephania and I live in a seaside city in northern United States, San Antonio. I'm 32 and I'm will soon finish my study at Religious Studies.
I am Stephania from San Antonio. I love to play Dobro. Other hobbies are Stone collecting.
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Icy Tower is a popular freeware computer game by the Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design. This is a platform game that is set in a tower and the player's goal is to climb as high in the tower as possible without falling off the bottom of the screen. The higher the character climbs the faster the tower's floors move downward and hence the more difficult the game becomes. By default, the player controls the character using a keyboard.


A screenshot of Icy Tower 1.4.

The player starts the game on the ground floor of the tower. In order to climb the tower, the player must jump from floor to floor, an action controlled (by default) using the spacebar. The game character can pass through the floors of the tower from below but will land on them when falling from above. Once the player has landed on a floor, he can move across its surface using the arrow keys. By moving across the floor the player builds momentum, and the more momentum a player builds up the higher his next jump will be. The character can also bounce off the vertical walls on the left and right edges of the tower, allowing the player to switch direction while maintaining momentum.

If a player builds enough momentum, he can climb several floors at once in a single jump. Extended sequences of such multi-floor jumps are referred to in the game as combos. A combo ends when a player makes a jump which covers only one floor, falls off a floor and lands on a lower floor, or fails to make a jump within a certain time frame (about 3 seconds).

The floors of the tower begin to move slowly downward once the character reaches floor 5. Every thirty seconds after this initial movement, the downward motion of the floors increases in speed, and the game tells the player to "Hurry up!" Should the player miss a floor and fall off the bottom of the screen, the game will end. The game also ends if the player is standing on a floor and the floor moves off the bottom of the screen.

The goal of the player is to reach the highest possible floor and accumulate the highest possible number of points. Points are awarded based on the highest floor reached in the game as well as for the player's combos.[1]

The tower is of infinite height and it is impossible to reach the top.[1] After the game ends, a replay of the game may be saved for later viewing.


The horizontal length of each floor depends on the player's progress in the tower, the version of the game, and a random factor. Their arrangement is entirely random. Their appearance changes every 100 floors until floor 1000.

High scores

Icy Tower records players' best results in built-in high score tables. Scores are recorded in several categories including highest score, highest floor, and longest combo. <it_high_score_lists>...</it_high_score_lists>Players may also publish their accomplishments in online high score lists. Online high score lists may require players to provide replays from their games as evidence for their results. The official Icy Tower list resides on the web server of Free Lunch Design.[2]

<it_kplus>...</it_kplus> It is also possible to compare performance of two players using the so-called K+ method. The K+ formula is a product of a sum of quotients, where the divisors and dividends represent records of both players in a specific Icy Tower category. For example, the K+ value from Score, Floor and Combo is represented by the expression


where , and stand for the highest score, highest floor, and longest combo, respectively ( and standing for the players being compared). The K+ mechanism is often used in online high score lists for ranking players.


The history of Icy Tower releases
1st 1.0 Template:Vgrelease new
2nd 1.1 Template:Vgrelease new
3rd 1.2 Template:Vgrelease new
4th 1.2.1 Template:Vgrelease new
5th 1.3 Template:Vgrelease new
6th 1.3.1 Template:Vgrelease new
1.3.2 Template:Vgrelease new
7th ITM Template:Vgrelease new
8th 1.4 Template:Vgrelease new
9th ITFB Template:Vgrelease new
10th ITiP Template:Vgrelease new
11th 1.5 Template:Vgrelease new

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Icy Tower was created by a Swedish game developer Free Lunch Design using the C programming language and the Allegro game library.[1] Its designers were inspired by Xjump, a game for the Linux operating system.[3]

<it_version_nomenclature>...</it_version_nomenclature> The game follows a sequence-based software versioning scheme. Its current version is 1.5. Changes in the minor number denote the entire package of the game being changed, together with its sound and graphic resources. Changes in the release number denote a release of a patch, i.e. a modified executable file purpose of which is to fix software bugs present in previous releases of the game. Patches for Icy Tower are being circulated both inside and outside official game packages.

The makers of Icy Tower maintain contact with its players, and their opinions were being taken into consideration in the course of developing new versions of the game.[4][5] The list of the most significant changes made to it to date includes:

Records file (1.1)
An automatically generated and updated binary file that contained data about the player's records at a given time. It could be subsequently submitted to the then official online high score list.Potter or Ceramic Artist Truman Bedell from Rexton, has interests which include ceramics, best property developers in singapore developers in singapore and scrabble. Was especially enthused after visiting Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.
<it_replays>...</it_replays> Replay files (1.2)
Small binary files that contain the recording of a given Icy Tower game and the nickname of its maker. Replays are less prone to cheating by manually modifying them than were files used to store players' records in Icy Tower 1.1. Replay saving and viewing features were being improved concurrently with the entire program. For example, replays have since been made easier to sign (1.2.1) and rewind (1.3), as well as possible to sort by various criteria (1.3). It has also become possible to view a progress bar of their duration, their maker's nickname and the arrangement of keys pressed during their making when watching them (1.3) and to save them automatically whenever a player beats his personal record (1.4).
Configurable keyboard settings (1.2)
The possibility to personalise keyboard keys responsible for the character's movements in the tower. Since Icy Tower 1.3 it is also possible to customise the key pausing the game.
Shortened floors (1.3)
This change was introduced in order to make gameplay over the 1000th floor barrier more difficult. In Icy Tower versions prior to 1.3 a sufficiently skilled player was able to casually climb as much as several thousand floors, even at the fastest rate of the downward movement of the screen. This was undesirable, as replays from such games often lasted several minutes or more.
Removal of the immaterial floors bug (1.3)
This bug, known as the "ghost floor" bug, was a collision detection glitch that occasionally caused random floors in the tower not to stop the character falling onto them, usually ending the game as a result. It had only been occurring at the highest game speed and caused several players to quit playing altogether. It was the primary reason behind the making of Icy Tower 1.3. Its creators originally only intended to fix the bug in question in it,[6] release the new version as Icy Tower 1.2.2 and distribute it as a patch.[7]
<it_profiles>...</it_profiles> Player profiles (1.4)
A concept of user accounts (profiles) was introduced in order to help several players play a single instance of the game. A profile contains certain publicly accessible data about the achievements of its owner (his average and best scores in the game, for example), as well as his personal game settings and preferences. The default profile is the so-called guest profile.
Support for secondary categories (1.4)
A possibility to manually change default game gravity and speed and default floors length was introduced (this change emulated – to a limited degree – features and options that were previously available for players only by the means of special trainers). Results achieved in the environment modified in such manner do not, however, affect the state of the built-in high score lists, which only register results recorded in default conditions. The categorial scope of the built-in lists was nevertheless expanded; since Icy Tower 1.4 they also register scores in categories formerly considered secondary (such as JS or CC).
Measures against slowdown (1.4)
Icy Tower 1.4 estimates the possibility that the player's computer was artificially slowed down and records results of this estimation in replay files. A standalone program named SDbuster (Slowdown Buster) was also created in 2007 to help detect slowed down replays, which calculates the possibility of a given replay being slowed down based on previously remembered differences between replays recorded in normal and reduced speed.

Lesser changes include an audiovisual overhaul of the game (1.4, 1.5), the possibility to choose the default floor type of the game (1.2) and the possibility to create custom game characters (1.2). Additionally, four new combo rewards were introduced, namely Super!, Fantastic!, Splendid! and No way!, and thresholds of combo length for certain rewards were increased (1.2).


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<it_mobile>...</it_mobile> On March 14, 2007, a press release has been published on the Free Lunch Design website announcing the establishment of a partnership between FLD and mobile game developer Xendex Entertainment regarding the porting of Icy Tower to the mobile environment.[8] The ensuant game named Icy Tower Mobile (ITM)[nb 1] has been released on October 6, 2008. Due to limitations of mobile platforms the game lacks several features present in its PC counterpart, such as publishing replays from games outside the mobile phone or changing default game characters.[9]

<it_online>...</it_online> On September 24, 2009, a Free Lunch Design game named Icy Tower Facebook (ITFB), developed on the Adobe Flash platform within the development framework of the Facebook social networking website, has been released.[10][nb 2] Icy Tower Facebook allows players to compare their results with results of their friends within the Facebook system. It is also possible for players to personalise their in-game avatars and unlock additional game levels (so-called towers), which correspond to various game styles in the PC version of Icy Tower, by exchanging them for the virtual currency of the game (so-called coins). ITFB lacks the possibility of recording replays.

<it_iphone>...</it_iphone> On November 2012, an official continuation of Icy Tower named Icy Tower 2 was released. It is available for iOS; and Android. According to the producer estimates on November 23, 2012, a number of downloads of Icy Tower 2 reached a million copies. There also exist unofficial Icy Tower ports for the Nintendo DS[11] and PlayStation Portable[12] video game consoles, made by players.


Icy Tower ranked high in the "Most Popular" ranking of the "PC games" section in the software directory website; its average monthly number of downloads was "more than 20,000" in 2006, amounting to over five million Template:As of.[13][14] The total number of Icy Tower downloads was estimated at over 11 million in 2008.[15] In terms of the number of websites devoted to the game, it is most popular in Czech Republic, Germany and Poland.[16] Central European countries are also home to a major portion of top Icy Tower players.[2][17] According to Johan Peitz, the author of the game, the reason behind the popularity of Icy Tower is that it allows players to compete in several different categories, for example in striving for both high floors and high scores.[18]

<it_tournaments>...</it_tournaments> Online Icy Tower communities allow their members to exchange high scores, replays and comments about the game and its gameplay. Additionally, players frequently compete against themselves in online competitions. Icy Tower tournaments usually consist of a number of rounds, each lasting one or more days. In every round, contestants are required to record one or more replays with a result in a specific category of the game.[19][20][21] Players have also organized live meetings, which took place in Cracow and Warsaw, Poland[22][23][24] and Prague, Czech RepublicPotter or Ceramic Artist Truman Bedell from Rexton, has interests which include ceramics, best property developers in singapore developers in singapore and scrabble. Was especially enthused after visiting Alejandro de Humboldt National Park..

On May 30, 2007, an official Icy Tower website operated by Free Lunch Design was launched, available at icytower.­freelunchdesign.­com.[nb 3] On June 3, 2009, the day of Icy Tower 1.4 release, an additional, complementary site has been opened at


<it_mods>...</it_mods> Internal structure of Icy Tower allows for the use of skins through downloading and installation repackaged resource files.[25][nb 4]

<it_characters>...</it_characters> Since the version 1.2 Icy Tower allows players to create additional custom characters which may replace the three default characters provided in the game package. Making a new character only requires the player to create an image file of a certain structure. It is possible, however, to also create more complex ones, using which will cause the game to modify its soundtrack[26] and colour palettePotter or Ceramic Artist Truman Bedell from Rexton, has interests which include ceramics, best property developers in singapore developers in singapore and scrabble. Was especially enthused after visiting Alejandro de Humboldt National Park..[nb 5]

There also exists an array of tools that assist players in training, changing the game physics or analysing their results.


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43 year old Petroleum Engineer Harry from Deep River, usually spends time with hobbies and interests like renting movies, property developers in singapore new condominium and vehicle racing. Constantly enjoys going to destinations like Camino Real de Tierra Adentro.

External links

Website Message board Resources repository Icy Tower Icy Tower Mobile Icy Tower Facebook Icy Tower iPhone
Free Lunch Design [9] [10] [11] [12]
Official website [13] [14] [15] [16]
Official forum [17] [18] [19] [20]

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